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Presentation transcript:

Jeopardy 1 2 3 4 5 6 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500

Answer This Italian family was famous for being rulers and supporters of the arts during the Renaissance.

Question The Medicis

Answer Martin Luther protested the selling of these, pardons that released people from performing penalties for their sins

Question Indulgences

Answer He split from the Catholic Church because of his desire to annul his marriage

Question Henry VIII

Answer The treaty helped to decrease conflict over the claiming of new lands between Spain and Portugal

Question Treaty of Tordesillas

Answer The Glorious Revolution removed James II from the throne and replaced him with

Question William and Mary

Answer This, issued by Henry IV in France helped to bring an end to violent religious conflict by granting religious rights to Huguenots

Question The Edict of Nantes

Answer This palace demonstrated the power of Louis XIV and worked to arouse envy in other European monarchs

Question Versailles

Answer Charles II making Louis XIV’s grandson his heir, adding to Bourdon power led to this conflict

Question The War of Spanish Succession

Answer He explained the law of universal gravitation

Question Isaac Newton

He developed the scientific method Answer He developed the scientific method

Question Francis Bacon

Answer On July 14, 1789, a mob stormed this prison in France

Question The Bastille

Answer After the downfall of Napoleon, this bodies most important goal was to establish a balance of power in Europe

Question Congress of Vienna

Answer This group carried out “the Reign of Terror”

Question The Committee of Public Safety

Answer He was the leader of the Red Shirts during Italian Unification

Question Giuseppe Garibaldi

Answer He was the leader of the Congress of Vienna

Question Klemens von Metternich

Answer He was the leader of Italian Unification

Question Camillo di Cavour

Answer He wrote the Wealth of Nations, defending the free-market system of capitalism

Question Adam Smith

Answer This economic policy let owners of industry set working conditions without government interference

Question Laissez-faire

Answer He wrote The Communist Manifesto which later inspired revolutionaries such as Russia’s Lenin

Question Karl Marx

Answer Russia’s want for land on the Black Sea to gain access to the Mediterranean Sea led to this war

Question Crimean War

Answer His assassination in Sarajevo led to the start of WWI

Question Franz Ferdinand

Answer Between 1934 and 1939 this was a campaign to eliminate opposition to Stalin’s power

Question Great Purge

Answer He was an officer in the French army unjustly accused of selling military secrets

Question Alfred Dreyfus

Answer What event marked the beginning of the Great Depression?

Question The stock market crash

Answer This is the British and French decision to give into aggression to keep peace prior to WWII

Question Appeasement

Answer What prompted Great Britain and France to declare war on Germany?

Question The invasion of Poland


Answer This German military strategy surprise and overwhelming force

Question Blitzkrieg

Answer The other half of glasnot, Gorbachev’s policy to revive the Soviet economy

Question perestroika

Answer Yeltsin's “_______" plan required the Russian government to dramatically reduce its involvement in the economy.

Question shock therapy

Answer Nazi troops attacked Jewish homes, businesses, and synagogues during this.

Question Kristallnacht