The Internet 11/29/11 Functions CIS 228 The Internet 11/29/11 Functions
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Assignments Form: variable = expression ; Examples: i = i+1; s = “hello world!”; b = isPrime(p) && (q < p || isPrime(q)); x = 3.1415 * gcd(15, 33); a[i] = “seat ” + i; var j = i*(i-1)/2; var v = document.getElementById(s).value; document.getElementById(s).value = 99*v;
Conditionals Conditional expressions Conditional statements cond ? expr1 : expr2 Conditional statements if ( cond ) statement statement1 else statement2
Block A sequence of statements packaged into one A block can be used anywhere a statement can { statement1 statement2 … statementn }
Arrays A collection of variables with the same name differentiated by an index Declaration: var a = new array(5); // size, 5, optional var b = [“red”, “yellow”, “blue”]; Use: var c = “color: ” + b[2]; a[2] = (a[1] + a[3]) / 2; Size: a.length
Repetition while loops for loops while ( cond ) statement var i=0 ; while (i<a.length) { a[i] = a[i]*a[i] ; i = i+1 ; } for loops for ( init ; cond ; inc ) statement for ( var i=0 ; i<a.length ; i = i+1 )
User-Defined Functions Declaration: function name (param * ,) block function fib (n) { if (n<=1) return 1; return fib(n-2) + fib(n-1); } Call (expression or statement): name (args * ,) var x = fib(17)/3; complainToUser(x, “ is not a number!”); Return statement: return expression? ; return;
JavaScript Functions Built in functions Example User defined functions Reusable chunks of code that accomplish common tasks Built in functions alert('hello world'); Displays text in a pop up window prompt('first message', 'second message'); Solicits data from user Example <body onload=“alert('hello world');”> User defined functions Bundle together small tasks into bigger ones