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Presentation transcript:


WHO ARE WE? Oklahoma State University's Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources is dedicated to making relevant science-based information accessible to the people of Oklahoma to help them improve their quality of life. We do that through the cooperation of three entities: College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources (CASNR) Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station (OAES) Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service (OCES) The DASNR logo commonly is referred to as “the DASNR triangle.” The triangle is an especially poignant visual representation for us because of the Division’s unique role in serving OSU’s three-pronged, federally mandated land-grant mission of teaching, research and Extension

WHY DO WE EXIST? The Morrill Act (1862) The Smith-Lever Act (1914) “….to teach such branches of learning as are related to agriculture and the mechanic arts, in such manner as the legislatures of the states may respectively prescribe, in order to promote the liberal and practical education of the industrial classes in the several pursuits and professions of life…” The Smith-Lever Act (1914) “….extension work shall consist of the development of practical applications of research knowledge and giving of instruction and practical demonstration of existing or improved practices or technologies in agriculture, home economics, and rural energy, and subject relating thereto to persons not attending or resident in said colleges in the several communities….. We extend the university to communities large and small statewide. Our roots are deep -- 104 years of Extension service with a tremendous history of impact. Our roots are also extensive, given our historic charge and ongoing mission. We are present in every county in the state. We translate research in meaningful ways so that audiences can make informed decisions for their families, their businesses and their communities. Our subjects range from health and wellness to life skills for youth to production agriculture.

WHAT DO WE DO? We extend the university to communities large and small statewide. Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service educators and specialists develop science- based educational programs to help Oklahomans solve local issues and concerns, promote leadership and manage resources wisely. oces.okstate.edu Our mission is to equip people with information, understanding, and skills that they can use to improve their lives. For us, it's personal. Our educators offer programs focused on: Increasing opportunities for agricultural enterprises Natural resources and environmental management Food, nutrition, health and safety education Youth, family and community development Our impacts are noted through: Economic development Educational attainment Stewardship of natural resources Improvements in agricultural productivity and safety Improvements in family development, health and safety Improvements in youth and leadership development Improvements in community development

WHO ARE OUR PARTNERS? The DASNR triangle is also symbolic of the partnership in both programming and funding between three levels of government. OSU is positioned as a leader and integrator in this partnership. OCES has: Specialists – on campus Area specialists – off campus – Agriculture program area District Program Specialists – Family & Consumer Sciences and 4-H Youth Development program areas Educators – OSU employees, housed in offices provided by county government, with operating funds provided by county government; Oklahoma : state funds support 1.5 FTE educator in each county (previously 2.0). With current funding reductions, we need to reduce even further; counties have the opportunity to fund additional educational staff in their county and contract with OSU to hire them. Support staff – on campus and off campus; secretary or administrative assistant in each county funded by OSU Volunteers – screened and trained

WHAT ARE OUR IMPACT AREAS? asdga Community Crops Food safety Health and wellness Livestock Water 4-H We are Extension. We Are Oklahoma. And our work affects real people in real ways. Take a few minutes to explore WeAreOklahoma.okstate.edu to learn more about 7 of our primary impact areas and how we serve people throughout our great state every day. From tai chi programs that improve health and wellness for aging populations to programs that improve the health and quality of cattle, you’ll see compelling testimonials that showcase the dividends from investments in Extension education. weareoklahoma.okstate.edu

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