Finish ‘A Voyage Through Time’ Saturday, December 08, 2018 Objective: YWBAT depict and analyze the break-up of Pangaea. Drill: Identify and draw the three types of tectonic plate boundaries? Which one is most likely to produce earthquakes? Homework Finish ‘A Voyage Through Time’
Answer The three types of tectonic plate boundaries are convergent, divergent, and transform. Transform boundaries are most likely to produce earthquakes.
Did you know…? The 2004 earthquake that occurred in the Indian Ocean near Sumatra, Indonesia triggered a series of tsunamis that killed over 200,000 people in 14 countries.
Today’s Activities Drill Read background ‘A Voyage Through Time’ Analyze ‘A Voyage Through Time’ Quizlet, Plate Tectonics Conclusion
Describe the process of convection. Closure Describe the process of convection.
Conclusion Answer In the process of convection, hot material from deep within the Earth rises while cooler material near the surface sinks.