An extremely long title B…James B…007 Which coincidentally is my average in This class This is a category with An extremely long title That you think will be Funny…but…it ain’t. Maddux …are all in a row. I know…it’s dumb but… Look what I’m working With here. You’re SOOO FEE So Colin, when you were Little…were you a Semi-Colin? 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500
How has South Africa created a democratic government since abolishing apartheid in the 1990’s?
White minority and black majority have equal rights.
Which two individuals were key players in abolishing apartheid?
Nelson Mandela and F.W. deKlerk
What were the effects of European colonization on African people?
Artificial boundaries caused conflict.
What was the name of the movement that had the goal of creating an African identity?
The Pan-African Movement
When the British merged Christian Southern Sudan with Muslim Northern Sudan, what happened?
The artificially established borders resulted in a civil war in Sudan.
Civil war in Nigeria was caused by the __________of its population.
What was the purpose of the Berlin Conference if 1884-1885?
To divide Africa among the European countries for the purpose of colonization.
What some reasons for the European colonization of Africa?
It was a vast source of resources/raw materials.
What happened as a result of the Pan-African movement?
Africa began to realize that it could be in control of itself!
Why did Nigeria have trouble getting its act together as an independent nation?
The diversity of the Nigerian people became an obstacle The diversity of the Nigerian people became an obstacle. It was hard to agree on things.
What incentivized Kenya to seek independence?
Kenyans learned about democracy in European schools and wanted some of that.
How did the British maintain control of their colony in Kenya?
They favored some ethnic groups over others and squashed any uprisings
What resource did the Belgians seek in the Congo?
What were 3 motivating factors for the Europeans to colonize Africa?
1-To gain more land for their ever-expanding empire 2-To obtain valuable natural resources for manufacturing and selling goods. 3-To have a location where they could send their excess population.
Which country committed atrocities in the Congo in their pursuit of rubber?
What was “Social Darwinism?”
It proposed the idea that people in Africa were not as culturally, socially, and evolutionarily evolved as those in Europe.
Which poem put forth the idea that it was Europe’s responsibility to expand their empires and colonize those who were less civilized?
The White Man’s Burden by Rudyard Kipling
How did most of the European countries govern/rule their colonies?
Most Europeans ruled their colonies using direct rule Most Europeans ruled their colonies using direct rule. * Britain was the only European power that used both direct and indirect rule.
How did the Europeans actually contribute to the loss of their colonial power?
Europeans contributed to the loss of their colonies in Africa by educating the Africans about freedom and democracy. The Africans then used this knowledge against them.
What were the racial classifications given by the government of South Africa during the era of apartheid?
Black, White, Colored, Asian
What is the difference between a colony and a mandate?
A colony is set up by a foreign government and they maintain control. A mandated area is set up by a foreign government with the intention of giving them autonomy (self-governance). A colony is set up by a foreign government and they maintain control.
What are “artificial boundaries?”
Boundaries in a region that are set up by “outsiders.”
Who was the Belgian ruler who was responsible for the inhuman treatment of the Congolese?
King Leopold II
South Africa’s independence movement was a conflict between__________ (that movie we watched was about this)
-Boers -British Colonists -Zulu
What is the name of the movie that was released in 2015 that addressed the Civil Rights Movement march in which GA 5th District Congressman John Lewis marched and was beaten?