How can power words help me when I take tests and read?
Question to think about it… What does “vocabulary” mean in school?
Video How did other Simpson students and teachers answer this question?
What are power words? High frequency words that you see in tests, books, and life situations Examples: Analyze, formulate, summarize
Why are power words important? Have you ever taken a test and missed a question because you didn’t understand what you needed to do? If you don’t understand power words, you may not answer test questions correctly. When taking tests, the question or prompt guides you. Research shows 35% of all achievement test errors were reading errors. On testing day, you have to understand the question on your own.
Our strategy It is important to translate these words into phrases that you can understand. Each group will be given 12 words. Work together to create student friendly phrases. After you have your phrases, add them to the class posters for each word.