# 82 Oh Deer lab
The most fundamental of life's necessities for any animal are food, water, shelter and space in a suitable arrangement. Without these essential components, animals cannot survive. A variety of factors affect the ability of wildlife to successfully reproduce and to maintain their population over time. Disease, predator/prey relationships, varying impacts of weather conditions from season to season accidents, environmental pollution and habitat destruction are among these factors. This activity is intended to be a simple but powerful way for you to grasp some basic concepts: that everything in natural systems is interrelated; that populations of organisms are continuously affected by elements of their environment; and that populations of animals do not stay at the same static number year after year in their environment
Students are going to be separated into groups; some representing a deer population, whereas other represents resources. The first round begins with each deer deciding what essential element they need and using a hand signal to represent the resource. When the instructor counts down, the deer species will “capture” their resource and return back to their line. Resource elements that are not chosen remain a resource for the next round. Deer that do not find a resource, die and become a resource for the next round
The resources and rules
C O P Y H A R T Y Rounds Deer Resources 1 8 16 2 3 13 6 4 12 5 18 7 20 14 9 11 10 15 22 C O P Y H A R T Y
C O P Y H A R T G Rounds Deer Resources 1 16 8 2 17 7 3 12 4 20 5 6 14 9 10 11 13 15 C O P Y H A R T G
C O P Y H A R T B Rounds Deer Resources 1 10 7 2 12 5 3 8 9 4 6 11 13 14 15 C O P Y H A R T B
C O P Y H A R T R Rounds Deer Resources 1 8 11 2 14 5 3 4 15 10 9 6 7 17 12 13 C O P Y H A R T R