COP4020 Programming Language Concepts Dr. Manuel E. Bermudez Summary COP4020 Programming Language Concepts Dr. Manuel E. Bermudez
Course Topics Paradigms. Compilation. Regular Languages, Scanning. Context-free Languages, Parsing. RPAL Names, Scopes and Bindings. Scoping Rules. Scheme and Prolog Object-Oriented Languages.
issues Focus on linguistics Four Paradigms: Imperative. Functional. Logic. Object-Oriented.
Topics not covered PL Design Semantics (grad course) History of PLs. See Chapter 24 of
Some observations PLs are: Like humans Incredibly Diverse Love/hate relationships Incredibly Diverse RPAL listed among >1500 languages at Subject of heated debates Constantly evolving. Unpredictable RE widespread use
Some observations PLs are: Influential on: FUN ! Programming practice Gotos, O-O Machine architecture: Stack support Parallel computing Power efficiency. FUN !