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Worldwide R&D of Virtual Observatory Chenzhou CUI Chinese Virtual Observatory Project National Astronomical Observatory of China
Content VO Introduction IVOA status, specifications and highlights R&D activities from China-VO CANS 2007, Aug. 25-26, 2007, Xi'an 2018/12/8
VO concept Virtual Observatory (VO) is a data-intensively online astronomical research and education environment, taking advantages of advanced information technologies to achieve seamless, global access to astronomical information. The power of the World Wide Web is its transparency. It is as if all the documents in the world are inside your PC. The idea of the Virtual Observatory is to achieve the same transparency for astronomical data and other related information (Quinn et al. 2004). CANS 2007, Aug. 25-26, 2007, Xi'an 2018/12/8
IVOA in Growth International Virtual Observatory Alliance (IVOA) formed in June 2002 with a mission to facilitate the international coordination and collaboration necessary for the development and deployment of the tools, systems and organizational structures necessary to enable the international utilization of astronomical archives as an integrated and interoperating virtual observatory. CANS 2007, Aug. 25-26, 2007, Xi'an 2018/12/8
Science driven, technic enabled VO drivers : science multi-archive research Precision Cosmology The Time Domain A Panchromatic approach to the Universe… CANS 2007, Aug. 25-26, 2007, Xi'an 2018/12/8
Science driven, technic enabled VO drivers : technology hardware trends ops, storage, bw : all 1000x/decade data i/o bw 10x/decade data avalanche CCD array digital sky survey numerical simulation CANS 2007, Aug. 25-26, 2007, Xi'an 2018/12/8
VO framework agreed standards inter-operable data collections inter-operable software modules no central VO-command - its not a thing - its a way of life CANS 2007, Aug. 25-26, 2007, Xi'an 2018/12/8
What the Virtual Observatory is… A suite of international standards for the discovery, exchange, intercomparison, and analysis of network-accessible astronomical data A data access and analysis environment that exploits the emerging computation/software/data Grid A framework for data processing that enables and encourages the re-use of algorithms A tool for science planning: Identify gaps in coverage of parameter space. Which new missions, instruments, experiments will have largest impact? A catalyst for world-wide access to astronomical archives A routinely used tool of the research astronomer A vehicle for education and public outreach It is not a thing VO is a way of life CANS 2007, Aug. 25-26, 2007, Xi'an 2018/12/8
what is needed ? global standards well funded data centres working data services infrastructure software VO aware client tools VO aware data mining services CANS 2007, Aug. 25-26, 2007, Xi'an 2018/12/8
IVOA Protocols key for interoperability
Protocol List VOTable FITS Cone Search Protocol Simple Image Access (SIA) Protocol Simple Spectral Access (SSA) Protocol SkyNode Astronomical Data Query Language (ADQL) Uniform Column Descriptors (UCDs) Space-Time Coordinates (STC) IVOA Identifiers VO Registry Resource Metadata Registry Access Protocols OAI VOEvent NESSSI VOSpace PLASTIC Common Execution Architecture Request-Object Management Environment (ROME) CANS 2007, Aug. 25-26, 2007, Xi'an 2018/12/8
Formats VOTable FITS XML format for tabular information Catalog query results List of images or spectra Lists of resources Includes UCDs for columns FITS Standard astronomical binary data format Images, spectra, … CANS 2007, Aug. 25-26, 2007, Xi'an 2018/12/8
Data Access Protocols Cone search Simple image access Simple query around a given region Returns VOTables Simple image access What images overlap a given region? Create me an image of this region. First step produces VOTables with links to image User downloads images as FITS in second stage Simple spectral access What spectra are available within this region More sophisticated than SIA (includes support for Data Models) but uses comparable framework SkyNode SOAP Web-Service based Sophisticated access to tables Supports distributed queries Uses ADQL Should eventually subsume Cone-search CANS 2007, Aug. 25-26, 2007, Xi'an 2018/12/8
Query languages Astonomical Data Query Language (ADQL) Enhanced version of SQL to support astronomical queries Positional cross-correlations (XMATCH) Complex regions on the sky (REGION) Both SQL-like and XML representations CANS 2007, Aug. 25-26, 2007, Xi'an 2018/12/8
Semantic content IVOA identifiers Scheme for providing unique identifiers for any thing that needs to be distinguished. Services, requests, … ivo://authority/authority_controlled_string#sub-resource Used in registries and other protocols Resource metadata Standardized format for the description of a service, data collection, facility. XML format based on the Dublin-core metadata descriptions for published resources. Used inside registries. Uniform Column/Content Descriptors (UCDs) Standardized names for table columns with relatively high degree of specificity. pos.eq.ra or phot.flux; Used in VOTables and by Cone search and SIA Space/Time Coordinates Way of specifying points or regions of space-time. Can be simple or very complex Used in ADQL and VOEvent CANS 2007, Aug. 25-26, 2007, Xi'an 2018/12/8
Discovering Resources Registry Collection of resources that users can find included Cone Search, SIA, SSA and SkyNodes. User access via registry access protocol Registry-registry communication via OAI Some publishing registries are meant to be seen only by other registries Registry access How users query the registry In standards process Open Archive Interface (OAI) Library community standard Registry-registry communication to ensure that all registries are up to date. VOEvent VO protocol for publishing and receiving notice of transient/urgent events Describes events using STC CANS 2007, Aug. 25-26, 2007, Xi'an 2018/12/8
Accessing and Controlling Computer Resources NESSI NVO Extensible, Scalable, Secure Service Infrastructure Provide access to protected resources, especially Grid computational resources. Make it easy to do simple things. First implementations just coming on-line VOSpace Access to storage resources in a standardized way. PLASTIC Platform for Astronomical Task InterCommunication Applications publish and receive notifications of events from other applications (e.g., selection of a given object) to enable coordinated actions. TOPCAT – Aladin Deployed but still experimental. Common Execution Environment (CEA) Script/pipeline environment with security and such incorporated (Astrogrid) ROME Handle and schedule tasks that involve remote resources. CANS 2007, Aug. 25-26, 2007, Xi'an 2018/12/8
Highlights from VO VO Infrastructures VO-oriented application Miscellaneous tools CANS 2007, Aug. 25-26, 2007, Xi'an 2018/12/8
CANS 2007, Aug. 25-26, 2007, Xi'an 2018/12/8
Astrogrid Components Registry Community FileManager/Filestore Workflow& Job Execution Service (JES) Common Execution Architecture (CEA) DataSet Access (DSA) Workbench CANS 2007, Aug. 25-26, 2007, Xi'an 2018/12/8
Aladin V4 – CDS (Euro-VO) an interactive software sky atlas developed by CDS MultiView, multiProjection Resampling Blinking: builds on the fly image sequences (slow movies) GIF, JPEG and PNG support Cut graph: along any segment Cross match algorithm: for better object catalog analysis Multi-language CANS 2007, Aug. 25-26, 2007, Xi'an 2018/12/8
NVO Core Services NVO Registry Portal: Find source catalogs, observation logs, image archives, and other astronomical resources registered with the NVO DataScope:Discover and Explore Data in the Virtual Observatory Open SkyQuery: Cross match yoru data with numerous catalogs NVO Spectrum Services: Search, plot, and retrieve SDSS, 2dF, and other spectra Web Source Extractor Upload images to SExtractor and cross-correlate the objects found with selected survey catalogs. CANS 2007, Aug. 25-26, 2007, Xi'an 2018/12/8
CANS 2007, Aug. 25-26, 2007, Xi'an 2018/12/8
VOPlot Tools from VO-India A VO-I + CDS collaboration VOPLot VOPLot3D VOMegaPLot CANS 2007, Aug. 25-26, 2007, Xi'an 2018/12/8
History and current status China-VO History and current status
R&D Focuses China-VO Platform 中国虚拟天文台系统平台的开发 Unified Access to On-line Astronomical Resources and Services 国内外天文研究资源的统一访问 VO-ready Projects and Facilities 支持VO的项目与观测设施 VO-based Astronomical Research Activities 基于VO的天文研究示范 VO-based Public Education 基于VO的天文科普教育 CANS 2007, Aug. 25-26, 2007, Xi'an 2018/12/8
Two XSLT transforms VOFilter an XML filter for Calc to open VOTable files VOTable2XHTML a stylesheet to transform VOTable data into HTML/XHTML format CANS 2007, Aug. 25-26, 2007, Xi'an 2018/12/8
VO Data Access Service (VO-DAS) An OGSA-DAI based service system to provide unified access to astronomy data, including catalogs, images and spectra. Goals of VO-DAS Supporting high volume data query Interlinking distributed and heterogeneous archives catalogs, images, spectrums Providing a software that works for astronomers OGSA-DAI Supported Asynchronous Data Access Service OGSA-DAI is a middleware product which supports the exposure of data resources, such as relational or XML databases, on to grids. Work with Globus Toolkit 4 WSRF interface Good wrapper for variant databases Asynchronous query supported Available for large dataset CANS 2007, Aug. 25-26, 2007, Xi'an 2018/12/8
Status An Alpha version of VO-DAS was ready Query Workflow Synchronous Query Asynchronous Query Asynchronous Query on multiple DataNodes CANS 2007, Aug. 25-26, 2007, Xi'an 2018/12/8
SkyMouse: Touch the sky with your mouse Not like some VO efforts on unified access systems, for example, NVO DataScope, SkyMouse tries to show a comprehensive overview for a specific object, but not to snatch as much data as possible. CANS 2007, Aug. 25-26, 2007, Xi'an 2018/12/8
VO Trends VO is inevitable, a new way of doing science Present on every physical scale today, not just astronomy (NEON, Neptune, CERN, MS) Driven by advances in technology, and economics, mapped onto society CANS 2007, Aug. 25-26, 2007, Xi'an 2018/12/8
Q & A ? www. .org CANS 2007, Aug. 25-26, 2007, Xi'an 2018/12/8