Turning In Your Final Paper Class slides for 4/20 & 4/21 Turning In Your Final Paper Your paper is due at the beginning of class, one week from today. Submit your paper to www.turnitin.com. You may submit early, then resubmit later. I will not score papers before the due date.
Bring a REVISED draft to your conference. Make sure the paper actually tells me what OTHER people are saying about your topic first, then provides YOUR response to what they are saying. (Do the assignment!) Make sure it follows MLA format: header, running header, title, spacing, in-text citations, Works Cited page. Proofread, and correct any errors!
Saving your document: Save it as a Microsoft Word document. Save it as “Last Name, First Name, Final paper” If your name is Pat Smith, save your paper as… Smith, Pat, Final paper.docx If your name is John Rosa, save your paper as… Rosa, John, Final paper.docx
Step 1 to submit final draft: Log in to www.turninit.com
If you have used the site before, you might see your classes from previous semesters. You’ll need to enroll in THIS class.
For ENGL101-02 (Monday class): Class ID = 9860958 Step 2: Join the class, using the appropriate Class ID/password. For ENGL101-02 (Monday class): Class ID = 9860958 Enrollment Password = Thompson02 ******************************* Eor ENGL101-03 (Tuesday class): Class ID = 9860963 Enrollment Password = Thompson03
Step 3: Click on THIS class.
Step 4: Write your paper in Microsoft Word, and save it as a. doc or Step 4: Write your paper in Microsoft Word, and save it as a .doc or .docx file. When you are ready to submit it, click on the “submit” button.
Step 5: In the box for “submission title,” enter your LAST name and then your FIRST name.
Step 6: Browse until you find your paper – which should be saved as your “Last Name, First Name, Final paper.” When you double-click on the file, it should show up in the box at the bottom of the screen.
Step 7: Once the correct file is ready to upload, click the “upload” button.
Looking Ahead: Conferences as usual this week. Bring your ENTIRE paper: complete draft with Works Cited page. Next week, meet in the appropriate computer lab: Monday – Capers 210 / Tuesday – Capers 313 In class, I will confirm whether your paper has been properly submitted. Once I confirm that your paper is ready to score, you may leave. If there’s a problem, you’ll need to fix it during class. (NO LATE PAPERS!)
For Today: Exchange papers with a classmate and read the paper. (“Write a paper of at least 1200 words in which you explain and respond to what others are saying about a topic that is currently in the news. You must use in-text citations and a Works Cited page in accordance with MLA conventions. This paper will be scored using the Written Communication rubric.”) In the margin next to each paragraph, describe what happens in the paragraph. For example, you might write, “Introduces topic,” “Summary of what THEY SAY,” “Metacommentary,” “Initial response,” “Clarifications,” or even “I don’t know.” When you finish, return the papers and read the descriptions. If what your reader thought doesn’t match what you thought (i.e., if you thought a certain paragraph was metacommentary but your reader thought it was description), see me. If you want me to check a specific aspect of the paper (such as corrections to the Works Cited page), see me.