Question: How did the Thirty Years War reshape Europe?
Thirty Years War: Background While the rulers of France, Spain, and Russia ruled absolutely, Central Europe was not there yet by the 1500s and 1600s
Thirty Years War: Background The Holy Roman Empire ruled over much of Central Europe, but in reality, the Emperor had very little power since he was elected by the many German princes of his empire. France = Politically United Holy Roman Empire = Politically Divided
Thirty Years War: Background The Protestant Reformation, which began in the HRE, started religious divisions between Protestants and Catholics. Spain= Religiously United Holy Roman Empire = ReligiouslyDivided
Thirty Years War: Background The Habsburg family ruled the HRE since the 1450s, and they were Catholic, supported by the Pope. Ferdinand I Brother of Charles who took over for him Charles V The one who gave up the job
Thirty Years War: Causes In the city of Prague in Bohemia (modern Czech Republic), Catholic Ruler Ferdinand wanted more political and religious power over Protestant Nobles
Thirty Years War: Causes Ferdinand ordered that two Protestant Churches be SHUT DOWN, but when the royal officials arrived, the Protestant Nobles threw them out a window into a pile of horse poop! “Defenestration of Prague” This event sparked a revolt, and as each side tried to find other European powers to be their allies, the conflict became bigger and bigger.
Thirty Years War: Key Events At first, the war was Catholic VS Protestant. Catholic countries like Spain, Austria, and Poland supported the Habsburg Emperor and gained many Habsburg victories against the rebel Protestant German states.
Thirty Years War: Key Events However, Protestant countries, like Sweden, Denmark, and England joined to help the Protestant side, and began to defeat the Habsburgs.
Thirty Years War: Key Events Even France, a Catholic country, joined to help the Protestants, but for political reasons. France wanted to weaken their Habsburgs rivals so it could be the strongest in Europe.
Thirty Years War: Effects Germany was hurt the most from the war, since most fighting happened there. Mercenary soldiers were violent and destructive, burning homes and fields Depopulation: Several million Germans (about 1/3) died not just from battle but from disease and starvation. Wolves were seen roaming the streets, and some people turned to cannibalism!
Thirty Years War: Effects War ended in 1648 with the Peace of Westphalia treaty Big Losers = Habsburgs: German princes given independence from the Holy Roman emperor Big Winners = France: given extra land from Germany and Spain
Thirty Years War: Effects Big Change = Europe now a collection of several independent states, religious differences between Catholic and Protestant states now accepted