When humans become reasonable The Enlightenment When humans become reasonable
Origins Scientific Revolution: thinkers come up with new explanations of what was already believed. Copernicus & Galileo: heliocentric model Newton: Gravity and Physics These thinkers challenged the established understanding and began coming up with their own theories based on reason.
What is reason? What do you think of when you hear the word “reason”? Reason is the ability to use what exists to form conclusions, understanding and judgments on ones own. What in the world does that mean?
Enlightenment The scientific revolution thinkers challenged what was accepted and concluded something different using the facts around them. Galileo uses the facts he sees (notices moons revolving around Jupiter) and concludes that smaller planetary bodies revolve around larger ones. Therefore, Copernicus was right, the Earth revolves around the Sun.
Enlightenment New thinkers decide they can apply this reason to other areas of thought such as human nature and human society. Using reason, humans can answer any question that plagued the human race. However, these thinkers each reasoned differently when it came to these new issues.
The Lineup Thomas Hobbs – Life without laws would be “Nasty, brutish, and short” John Locke – People are naturally Good and have natural rights. Baron de Montesquieu – stated that within a government, their should be a divided power
The Lineup Voltaire – “I do not agree with a word you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.” Jean-Jacques Rousseau – “Man is born free, and everywhere he is in chains” Adam Smith – natural forces of supply and demand should be allowed to operate and regulate business