American Imperialism and its Consequences- Part I Cuba
Spanish American War
Spanish American War Causes- Nationalism Yellow Journalism Militarism Business Concerns
Spanish American War Fought on two fronts- Caribbean and the Philippines Consequences- America gains territory, but NOT Cuba
Cuba- US Control
Cuba- US Control After the war, on May 20, 1902 Cuba gained its independence as the Republic of Cuba. Under Cuba's new constitution, the U.S. retained the right to intervene in Cuban affairs and to supervise its finances and foreign relations. Under the Platt Amendment, the U.S. leased the Guantánamo Bay naval base from Cuba.
Cuba- US Control Following disputed elections in 1906, the first president, Tomás Estrada Palma, faced an armed revolt by independence war veterans who defeated the meager government forces. The U.S. intervened by occupying Cuba and named Charles Edward Magoon as Governor for three years. Cuban historians have attributed Magoon's governorship as having introduced political and social corruption. In 1908, self-government was restored when José Miguel Gómez was elected President, but the U.S. continued intervening in Cuban affairs.
Cuba- US Control At the beginning of 1959 United States companies owned about 40 percent of the Cuban sugar lands - almost all the cattle ranches - 90 percent of the mines and mineral concessions - 80 percent of the utilities - practically all the oil industry - and supplied two-thirds of Cuba's imports. U.S. President John F. Kennedy,1960 ”
Cuba- US control In 1940 Fulgencio Batista became president. Batista sided with the Allies in WWII, and generally allowed US business interests to operate with little oversight.
Cuba- Revolution
Cuba- Revolution Fidel Castro leads a popular revolt, takes power in 1959. Initially, he is pro-American, but quickly goes over to the Communists when he senses the US will not support reforms he proposes that specifically decrease the power of US- held corporations
Cuba- Embargo
Cuba- Embargo Angered by Castro, the US cuts off all diplomatic ties, Embargos Cuba. A large émigré community in Florida continuously advocates the continuation of the embargo, even after the collapse of the Soviet Union