Steak through the GI Tract By Mason, Max, Jasmyne, Kalen, and Allison
What IS steak? Steak contains: Lots of proteins Carbohydrates Lipids Nucleic Acids
Mouth Teeth Salivary Gland Begin mechanical breakdown Allow for swallowing Salivary Gland Produces saliva to aid in swallowing Amylase breaks down carbohydrates
Stomach Food travels to stomach via esophagus. Stomach releases acids and enzymes HCl- unfolds the protein Pepsin- breaks down protein in steak Food is churned more
Small Intestine Enzymes enter small intestine from pancreas: Includes trypsin for proteins, nuclease for nucleic acids, and lipase for lipids Macromolecules are completely broken down.
Large intestine Remaining waste is compacted and stored as feces. Any remaining water from the waste is extracted and absorbed Waste is sent to rectum and expelled via anus.