RoboCup Junior Rescue Presentation The RoboCup Junior Rescue and Premier Rescue Scenario Rules Tile Overview (Rescue and Premier) Nuts and Bolts
The Rescue Scenario A terrible earthquake has hit the city and caused a large chemical storage unit to rupture spilling thousands of litres of toxic chemicals in the centre of the city. There is a person trapped on a sinking water tank in the middle of the chemical spill. Rescue crews are having trouble entering the city with the amount of rubble around and rescue from the air has also been ruled out due to the noxious gases rising around the city.
The Rescue Scenario It has been decided that the best form of rescue is the deployment of an autonomous robot that can navigate to the scene and rescue the stranded person by getting the water tank out of the chemical spill. On the way the robot could encounter obstacles, bridges and short cut opportunities that will challenge the most intrepid programmer.
Junior Rescue Robot JuniorMiddle.jpg
Premier Bot
The interview
Rules Any number of tiles can be used (or repeated) (Sect 1.3) Water Tank wrapped in foil (4 and RCJA website) Journals/Questionnaire/Log Books Rescue robots 18cm diameter and height (extended) Premier robots 27cm diameter and height (extended and operating) Rules worth Noting
Rules Each run lasts 120 seconds Robot can leave a discontinuous line Portion of robot needs to be over the line (convex hull) Premier robots must have a demonstratable mechanism to rescue the victim Scoring more important than time (see guide) Rounds (up to 5) then Semi Finals Rules worth Noting
Rules Age Limits Tasmania – (State and Regional) Junior Rescue (Yr 7 and Under) Senior Rescue (Yr 8 and 9) Premier Rescue (must be undertaking a primary or secondary school course) National Rescue (13 yrs or under on 19 th Sept, 2009) Premier Rescue (must be undertaking a primary or secondary school course) Rules worth Noting
Tile Overview (Rescue and Premier)
Nuts and Bolts More info –Rescue Mats - MTA – (When ordering it is important to quote ROB009 Rescue Field) –RoboCup Junior Tasmania info Includes official rules, guides and event info for Tasmania For more info or any questions
Happy Rescuing !