Integrated gazetteer framework: A core CoE4UNSDI deliverable Rob Atkinson & Paul Box, CSIRO UNGIWG-11, March 2011
Objectives Establish a services infrastructure enabling online (web) access to and improved use of published gazetteers i.e. Authoritative references to spatial features Establish a framework for improved description of spatial information resources and their usage within the UN Establish a reference architecture to guide the growth, and exploitation, of a shared services infrastructure This will be exercised in a multi-phased project. Phase 1 is a pilot project with a national focus, based in Indonesia and working with existing initiatives for disaster response and recovery. Integrated gazetteer framework: a CoE4UNSDI core deliverable
What does the a “Gazetteer Framework” mean in the UNSDI context? Its not ‘develop an aggregated Gazetteer data set’ UNGEGN and others do this! Its about a “spatial referencing framework” What data sets are used by which applications in the UN for spatial referencing? How do you specify a feature? How do you find the point of truth? How do you link to related information? No matter how good a common gazetteer is, other data sets may also be used in practice National, sub-national and project data Thematic data Crowd-sourced data in rapid response Integrated gazetteer framework: a CoE4UNSDI core deliverable
Framework data set Viewpoint Governance of framework data sets.. How do I declare the data set is available How does it get versioned etc? Practicalities of access How do entities in framework data set get referenced? Does the user need to download the entire data set? Complete Hydrology network for Australia ~ 4 gigabytes Common usage Who is using this data set in practice? What domains mandate use of this? How do we access different forms? Provide a common referencing infrastructure! Integrated gazetteer framework: a CoE4UNSDI core deliverable
Reliable Referencing Framework Web-enabled Referencing Components Reliable Referencing Framework Web-enabled Referencing Community Agreements Infrastructure Tools & methods Framework data National and project data Shared semantics and information models Integrated gazetteer framework: a CoE4UNSDI core deliverable
Gazetteer data set viewpoint Several gazetteer initiatives and services available UNGEGN GeoNames JRC “fuzzy matching” interface Additional needs: Authoritative data sets at local context Agile “crowd-sourced” augmentation External cross-references Common framework offers Improved network accessibility of references Harvest capability for updates Augmented cross-referencing (outside UNGEGN remit) Integrated gazetteer framework: a CoE4UNSDI core deliverable
Some key related initiatives Crisis Information Management System (UN CITO) UN Global Pulse UN agencies & member states “harness new info sources, emerging tech to close the info gap” Global Facility for Disaster Risk Reduction (WB) “help developing countries reduce their vulnerability to natural hazards and adapt to climate change” UNSDI UNGIWG: 30+UN agencies & CITO Risk reduction Sustainable recovery Climate change adaption Pulse labs “harness grassroots innovation & build resilience to crises” GFDRR labs “mainstream innovation in disaster risk man.” Humanitarian Environment Development Global Earth Observation Sys of Sys (GEOSS) Disasters Health Energy Environment Climate Agriculture CSIRO UNSDI Gazetteer Global Terrestrial Observing System UNEP live National Plan for Environmental Information (NPEI) Integrated gazetteer framework: a CoE4UNSDI core deliverable
Project phases 1 Build design and build prototype 2 Review prototype and SDI integration review 3 Refine refine design & re-engineer solution 4 Sustain transition & stable governance Integrated gazetteer framework: a CoE4UNSDI core deliverable
A short demonstration At this point, we’d like to run a quick demonstration of what a spatial referencing framework might offer in practice. This looks like a just another simple “mash-up”, or another “SDI” demo, but lets think about this: If there are (reputedly) half a billion KML files out there, why cant we answer specific questions on demand? If various SDIs define framework data sets, why can’t we use these to access more information? What does “SDI 2.0” look like? Integrated gazetteer framework: a CoE4UNSDI core deliverable
Email: Contact Us Phone: 1300 363 400 or +61 3 9545 2176 Email: Web: CSIRO Land and Water Paul Box Project Lead Phone: +61 2 9325 3122 Email: Web: CSIRO Land and Water Rob Atkinson Team Leader – Interoperable Systems Phone: +61 2 4226 5490 Email: Web: