Crimes Against People
I. Homicide = the killing of another person Can be criminal or non-criminal
Criminal Homicide = Killing done in malice Malice is the intent to harm
Types of Criminal Homicide…
#1 – 1st Degree Murder Premeditated (thought out/planned before hand) Deliberate, Intentional
#2 – Felony Murder Killing while committing another crime EX: Getting scared and shooting the clerk while robbing a bank
#3 – 2nd Degree Murder Spontaneous killings Not planned in advance Intent to kill did not exist until the moment of the murder
#4 – Voluntary Manslaughter Killing someone because their actions cause you to loose control Not premeditated EX: A man catches his wife cheating on him and kills the man in the heat of the moment
#5 – Involuntary Manslaughter Killing someone through an action so reckless it causes extreme danger leading to death EX: Playing with a gun resulting in a death
#6 – Negligent Homicide Lack of caution during routine activities that causes death EX: Most commonly occurs while driving a car
II. Suicide The deliberate taking of one’s own life No punishment for successful suicide Attempted suicide require counseling Euthanasia may be punished as murder or manslaughter
III. Assault and Battery Assault = an attempt or threat to attack Battery = unlawful physical contact No real difference between the terms Stalking = When someone is repeatedly followed or harassed where the victim fears injury or death
IV. Rape Rape = Forcible intercourse without consent (AKA sexual assault) Statutory Rape = Sex between someone of age and someone not of age