Southern Sun O.R. Tambo - Johannesburg, South Africa CSTL Sharing Meeting 2014 [Ntenje Katota] [Zambia] Southern Sun O.R. Tambo - Johannesburg, South Africa 17-20 November 2014
COMPOSITION NCU District Level School Level
SCHOOL LEVEL School Management Team Representatives Teachers Community Members (Parents or Rep of NGO’s,CBO’S,FBO) Mukamabo example for Headman
Roles and responsibilities of the School Support Team Identify, support ( access support for) and monitor vulnerable learners and refer them for support to relevant service providers to enable them to achieve their education rights Run ( plan, implement and monitor) the care and support activities, with the head teacher providing overall leadership Ensure that the whole school community, including representatives from the broader community ( PTA, parents, other role players such as police, clinic staff etc) are involved Liaise with other committees of the school-such as school safety, health promotion, HIV and AIDS, school nutrition etc – to ensure that different programmes are aligned with or integrated into the CSTL programme E,g Headteacher, Guidance and counselling and other teachers. PTA Strengthened to address issues of ovc victim support
Cont … Network with service providers and other relevant stakeholders Develop a directory of service providers and relevant resources of information Facilitate training for school communities and stakeholders Liaise with learners to ensure that children’s Rights are respected and that effective child participation is achieved Ensure that resources are allocated to support care and support activities
Achievements Joint planning for actives on identifying needs in schools(e,g Nutrition Programme) Shared vision with the Community Identification of relevant stakeholders Looks at the safety and security of learners(Safe Houses) Looks into the welfare of OVC Creates Employment opportunities
Parents Running the Feeding Programme
School Feeding Programme
Challenges Lack of understanding their roles Limited resources Keeping them motivated to remain in the structure(looking for job) Knowledge Gap between Teachers and Parents(on going capacity building for SST-) Trainnings: Basic counselling skills to support the victims of abused learners
Key Lessons Learnt Need on going activities on Advocacy(Mobilize support for vulnerable learners) Need debriefing (Trauma) Training/Certificates Need to identify champions/Incentives Community will understand the role of the community
Comments and Questions from the Floor & Other Panellists.