Effects of the Civil War
Effect of the Emancipation Proclamation The Proclamation was issued shortly after the Union victory at Antietam. The proclamation stated that unless the rebel states returned to the union by Jan. 1, their slaves “shall be then, thenceforward, and forever free.” The Proclamation led to free blacks serving as volunteers in the Army. Many British became Pro-Union as a result of the Proclamation.
The Effect of the War on Civilians North Despite high inflation, the northern economy boomed both during and after the Civil War. Both industrial and agrarian production increased to meet the demands of the war and to provide exports to Europe. Congress passed a series of acts bolstering economic and agricultural development. South The Southern economy suffered greatly. Soaring inflation caused great poverty and the restriction of imports resulted in shortages of basic food, clothing, and other essentials. Conditions for civilians deteriorated further with the Impressment Act of 1863, which permitted the government to seize food and supplies from civilians for the war effort. Altogether the Confederacy lost 2/3 of its wealth during the war.
The Effect of the War on Civilians Women In both North and South, women assumed greater work responsibilities. They worked in hospitals, government offices, and factories, and in the South, especially, they took over the day to day running of the family farms. These roles had been traditionally reserved for men.
The Effect of the War on Civilians Blacks Many black Americans wanted to join the Union Army to fight against slavery, but Union leaders believed black conscription might alienate Northern whites and the border slave states loyal to the Union, and so did not allow blacks to fight for the Union side. Later they joined the war effort in support roles such as cooks, laborers, and nurses. After the Emancipation Proclamation, black Americans began to fight in the war. Around 180,000 black Americans served in the Union army and 20,000 in the Union navy. 54th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry