By: Drew Platt and Kevin Crowley The United States By: Drew Platt and Kevin Crowley
Reason for entering the War The Lusitania, an American passenger ship, was sunk by a German U-Boat with no provocation. The Zimmerman telegram which was a telegram from Russia to Mexico that was intercepted and said that Russia wanted help from Mexico in taking over the U.S. (Britannica Online, n.d) /download/r1Ykn4hRBr/m startzman/23027173/Lus itania.jpg
Short Term Effects Increased industry Increased production of wartime materials Lots of casualties but not as many as other countries. (World War I, n.d.).
Long Term Effects When the Unites States refused to join the League of Nations and accept the treaty of Versailles, they seperated themselved from going doen with the rest of the world and the corruption of Europe. Created a national hatred toward Germany by the people of the United States. During the war, America loaned alot of money to European associates which took many years to pay off.(World War I, n.d.).
3 Themes of Global Studies Global Interrelatedness- The Uited States tried to remain allies with the countries that they was tied with. Technology vs. Nature- The technologies that the armies used against each other ruined the landscape all around them. Terror and Utopia- In an attempt to make their own perfect country, countries took over smaller, weaker countries with terror and force.