Art and Science of Autocross Course Design making miniature SPEEDWAYS Art and Science of Autocross Course Design
Start at the start (and finish) For safety, put a feature close to start box, to avoid full-speed launches. Give a little space for “floor it at the end”, but not long enough to allow very high speed. Be sure the “finish straight” starts where the cars are settled and under control. Make sure finish box has plenty of run-off space, is pointed away from the start.
How are features described? Curves – tight, sweepers, variable radii Hairpin – very tight, low-speed curves Slalom – start with minimum 50 ft spacing Even/odd, variable spacing, driver’s choice entry Chicago box = slalom with walls Offsets – long slalom, few inputs, higher speed Straights – top speed <60mph
Creating features with cones Curves ● ● ● ● Or (pointer cone always ● goes on inside of curve) ● ● ▲ ►● ●
Creating features with cones ● ▼ Hairpin ►● ▼ ▼ __________________________________ Slalom ● >45' ● ● ● ▲ Odd number = exit on same side as entrance. Pointer cone can be omitted for “driver’s choice” slalom.
Creating features with cones Offsets ● ● ● ● ● ● Spread-out slalom. Control speed with amount of offset. Chicago box ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Short slalom with a hazard on the outside of the curve. Approach angle, depth of box control how fast cars can pass.
Creating features with cones Pointer walls ▼ (“eyelashes”) ▼ keep cars on course in ▼ long sweepers Cone walls – block off wrong paths, course boundaries. ● ● Be consistent with the ● number of cones in these. Don’t overuse cones – it can get confusing visually. Make sure the cones in a feature can’t be mistaken for a gate (use different spacing).
What features do you choose? Straights, long sweepers favor power. Hairpins, tight turns favor handling. Try to balance power and handling features Course should flow smoothly, every gate should be visible from the previous gate.
How many features do you need? Laguna Seca: 11 COTA: 20 Nordschleife: infinite, it seems Autocross: typically 10-12 features (= 20-35 “inputs”) for a 0.75 mile course
21 inputs 12 features
7 6 8 5 10 11 9 3 4 2 1 S F 35 inputs, 11 features
Putting together a course Measured map of course area Step off the perimeter or Use Google Earth distance feature Avoid hazards (bad pavement, drains, bumps) Plan for two cars running (find safe point for second car to start). Plan for worker positions (typically starter, six corners, timing, board, grid).
Lay out the course, considering ~10-15 features ~20-35 inputs Variety of features (make a list, then find the best place for each) Visualize approach to each feature Get suggestions for improvement Make it fair, fun and safe
Lay out the course, considering Include turns with different radii & speeds Throw in some surprises (increase or decrease turn radius, slalom spacing) Balance features that favor handling with those that favor power Allow for driver error Draw in pencil until you get a smooth course. Then expect it to be tweaked on site.
Safety Allow 25-foot run-off areas between course and boundaries, solid objects. Watch out for terrain changes, adjust features to slow pace. McGee Park slopes from NW to SE Sandia’s ovals are banked humps Rt66 is tiny, curves must be very tight Worker positions must be located inside curves. Course visible to timing, board, grid.
Make it fun “If everything seems under control, you're not going fast enough.” – Mario Andretti “It is a good day to die.” Klingon proverb We are not going to die, because we are not going to go fast enough to get out of control. Keep speeds under 60 mph (PCA rule). Keep safety buffers at 25' (PCA rule). Make the course flow smoothly. Don’t let your ego get in the way when changes must be made.
References SCCA Houston Area design guide The most-cited source (124 pgs) PCA Parade Competition Rules Just the rules, no help on design