SKA-Related Activities in Korea Jongsoo Kim Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute
SWG members sciences young astronomers theory+observation H I (dark age, galaxies, the ISM) Cosmic Magnetism (intergalactic, interstellar B-fields)
IWG KASI (Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute) Software correlator for the SKA phase I High Gain Antenna Dish manufacturing KEPCO (Korea Electric Power Corporation) + LG, SKT, KT, and Samsung SKA power
IWG High Gain Antenna KVN: 3 21m ants. 22,43,86,129 GHz
IWG KEPCO (Korea Electric Power Corporation) + LG, SKT, KT, and Samsung Smart Grid Test-bed in Jeju Island
SKA-related Activities in 2012 18-19 Jan. 2012: workshops for SKA Korea SWG+IWG March 2012: explained the SKA Korea project to government officials 14 May 2012: sent 3 EoIs (correlator, dish, power) to SPO 18 May 2012: lectures on Radio Astronomy for SWG people