4.03 21st Century Skills Part 2
21st Century Workers About 20% of jobs in the 21st century will require technical skills acquired at the bachelors level or above. The 21st century trends predict that the greatest number of workers will need to have a community college level of education.
21st Century Workers In the current workplace technology is increased. Internet was not a concern with workers in 1950s. Jobs in the future will increasingly involve more employees telecommuting. The workplace today must be dedicated to excellence in skills and personal qualities.
Transferable Skills Skills learned and used to do on one job and are used on another job is called transferable skills. Transferable skills are work habits and attitudes required in all jobs. Transferable skills in the workplace are advantages to workers.
Skills Lifelong learning is a continuation of learning as skills needed on a job change. Your willingness to learn is a factor that may lead you to success. The today’s workplace workers typically continue to learn new skills. In order to prepare for changes in the workplace it is best to be a lifelong leaner.
Job Trends You can find the latest trends in a trade or profession can be found in a trade or professional journal. The employment forecasters predict greater than average job growth in retail. Statistics reflecting state and regional occupational data is also know as labor market information.
Relocating Workers should consider the cost of living when they think if making a geographic move. Flexibility and compromise is required when relocating for a new job.
Random A free enterprise system is private ownership, profit motive, competition, and freedom of choice The global economy has eliminated some jobs in the United States and created others An increase in the number of dual income families has created an increase in the area of service occupations.