Introduction to Post-Colonialism Discussion and Definitions
Definitions to Know Colonialism: the control or governing influence of a country over a dependent country, territory, or people. By colonizing, countries got: raw materials, markets for their manufactured goods, precious metals. They also spread religious ideas and thought that they were “helping” the “uncivilized” native populations Negative Effects of colonialism: colonized areas often lost their native language, they were prevented from industrializing, they became dependent on their “mother” country, the “mother” country often was racist and oppressive to the native population, and the culture of the colonizing nation was valued over the culture of the natives
Definitions to Know (Continued) Imperialism: one country’s domination of the political, economic, or cultural life of another country or region. There are 2 different kinds of imperialism: 1. Direct imperialism where a country physically takes over another 2. Indirect imperialism where a country just influences the politics and economy of another country England practiced both colonialism and imperialism in India, areas in Africa, The Pacific Rim, Australia, Asia, and North America. In 1922, England had control over 1/5 of the world’s population.
Definitions to Know (Continued) Post-Colonialism: the period following the independence of many former colonies from the nations that controlled them. During the era of post-colonialism, many former colonies struggled with their identity, race and culture and still felt the effects of being controlled and exploited. These newly-independent nations and to decide to reject the ideas of the Western countries that controlled them. They also had to struggle with issues of race, religion, industrialization, poverty and conflict. Many writers emerged from this chaotic time to express and articulate their experiences.
Analyzing Images
Analyzing Images (Continued)
Analyzing Images (Continued)
Twilight Zone How does the episode of the Twilight Zone reflect the ideas we just discussed?