Starting Point for Christian Worldview Thinking Lecture 3: Biblical Worldview Thinking: Paul R. Shockley
Consider the following quote… “I believe in Christianity as I believe that the Sun has risen, not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else.” ~ C. S. Lewis ~ “Is Theology Poetry?” Essay Collection (London: HarperCollins, 2000), 21. 12/8/2018 Template copyright 2005
Template copyright 2005 I. Introduction: The Christian worldview possesses many benefits. Among them I would like to summarize three: A. Christian worldview possesses the greatest explanatory power among its rivals (e.g., Darwinian naturalism; postmodernism). B. Christian worldview is able to answer the greatest questions asked in life. C. Christian worldview is able to harmonize both natural revelation and special revelation. 12/8/2018 Template copyright 2005
Template copyright 2005 A. Explanatory Power Christian worldview is able account for the following: 1. Physical beginning of the universe; 2. Empirical design, order, and complexity that is evident in our universe and in our biological systems. 3. The unity and diversity in biological life-forms. 4. The reality of abstract, non-physical realities (e.g., First principles of logic; mathematics); 12/8/2018 Template copyright 2005
Template copyright 2005 A. Explanatory Power: 5. Objective moral values, duties, virtues, & accountability; 6. Objective Beauty & our capacity to experience beauty; 7. Existential human need for God (inward knowledge of the divine-a hole in the heart); 8. The intrinsic need for meaning, purpose, and value in life (and fulfillment thereof in Christ); 9. Inherent value and depravity of man; 12/8/2018 Template copyright 2005
Template copyright 2005 A. Explanatory Power: 10. Human Conscience 11. Both moral & natural evil & suffering in the world; 12. Miracles; 13. The person and work of Jesus Christ; 14. The historical bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ; 12/8/2018 Template copyright 2005
Template copyright 2005 A. Explanatory Power: 15. The inherent search for both redemption from sin & immortality; 16. Value and respect of all persons (all made in the image of God); 17. Similar accounts of life-after-death type experiences; 18. Our capacity for critical thinking skills; 19. Our relationship to, distinction from, and stewardship of environment. 20. Abiding joy, hope, and comforting hope. 12/8/2018 Template copyright 2005
B. Answers the Greatest Questions: Origin: Where did we come from? Identity: What are we? Who are we? Meaning: Why are we here? Morality: How should we live? Destiny: Where are we going? Evil: What’s gone wrong with the world? Hope: What can be done to fix the problems of the world? 12/8/2018 Template copyright 2005
Meaning- Significance Cross-cultural Awareness General Revelation Meaning- Significance Answered Prayer Salvation Peace Cosmological Experiences Innate Idea Teleological Conscience Ontological God Arguments Intuition Moral Law Existential Need Obj. Beauty Cross-cultural Awareness Evidences Big Bang: Morals: Anthropic Principle Specified Complexity Irreducible Complexity Objective Values Objective Duties Altruistic Acts 12/8/2018 Template copyright 2005
Is Jesus Liar, Lunatic, or Lord? Multiple, Independent Sources Early Attestation 5,800+ N.T. Manuscripts Continuity Fulfillment of Predictive Prophecy Historical Accuracy Archeological Accuracy Jesus Use of Scripture The Bible is the Word of God and (all else opposed to it is false]. Uniqueness of Scripture Reliability of Scripture Experiences Predictive Prophecy Seen by over 500 witnesses; Testimony from multiple sources Trustworthy people who taught & lived by highest ethics and who died for testimony Early Written Attestation (mostly 15-40 yrs) after event. If God exists, miracles are possible Arguments Intuition Predictive Prophecy Sinless Life Greatest Words Ever Spoken Performed Miracles Greatest Positive Influence Ideal Exemplar (e.g., loved the unlovely). Evidences The Person & Work of Christ Historical Bodily Resurrection of Christ Is Jesus Liar, Lunatic, or Lord? 12/8/2018 Template copyright 2005
C. Harmonized Starting Point for a Christian Worldview (natural & Special Revelation) Uniqueness of Scripture Existential Experiences Reliability of Scripture Arguments to and from Natural Revelation The God of the Bible Intuition Evidences From and to Natural Revelation Historical Bodily Resurrection of Christ The Person & Work of Christ 12/8/2018 Template copyright 2005
Template copyright 2005 12/8/2018 Template copyright 2005