DRAPP08 – March Meeting Welcome and Introductions (Matt) Agenda: Communications Plan Overview (Gabe) File formats and examples (Matt) RTDs Interactive System Map –use of a WMS (Dan Jackson): Business-related items (Paul) Next Meeting: April 23rd at 1:30 pm Adjourn
DRAPP08 – March Meeting News! –Final panel placement is being done by the DAT and Acquisition vendors (as we speak) –BHI/Surdex are routing their aircraft (2) to Denver as we speak … –Non-member funding totals are close to the $100K (initial) goal Let others know please!!!
DRAPP08 – March Meeting Communications Plan Overview (Gabe)
DRAPP08 – March Meeting File formats and examples (Matt) –SP vs. UTM for tiles For the UTM versions, translate 1 foot to 0.3 meters and ½ foot to 0.15 meters Have to stop the tile boundaries on an even pixel, so they will be just a little different in size. BHI Web Map and DRAPP Website are good sources for updates/downloads –
DRAPP08 – March Meeting File formats and examples continued … –Overlap is 20 feet on all tiles on each side –Total = 40 feet of overlap between tiles The UTM versions will be something nearly identical. Less overlap means smaller files and fewer problems (warped bridges, skyscraper lean, etc.) that span two tiles, which have to be fixed twice in Photoshop. –Overlap and DB issues BHI used to do 50ft, NCTCOG in 2003 put imagery into ArcSDE, BHI does not use ArcSDE but uses the NCTCOG project as a baseline. USGS DOQQs are typically up to 300m overlap so they are a special case of a lot of overlap. –BHI color balancing software finds that 20ft is sufficient to get a good continuous color balance across tiles. At least 1 pixel of overlap is required to keep some GIS software from showing or printing white lines between tiles due to re-sampling imperfections.
DRAPP08 – March Meeting File formats and examples continued … –File sizes for all formats include: RGB+I 6" GeoTIFF RGB+I 1' GeoTIFF RGB+I 6" TIFF w/JPEG RGB+I 1' TIFF w/JPEG RGB+I 6" MrSID RGB+I 1' MrSID RGB+I 6" JPEG2000 RGB+I 1' JPEG2000
DRAPP08 – March Meeting 4-bands packaged for ArcGIS –What does this look like?
DRAPP08 – March Meeting The 4 band option saves 1/3rd space over having two 3 band images, we are doing what Denver did in 06 as a post-process step with the vendor –CAD software may struggle with this, volunteers to test? RGB is red, green, blue - CIR is infrared –R and G from the RGB are not the same red and green from the CIR –Due to folks software constraints vendor needs to do a color balance of the RGB and the CIR images separately to make them look pleasing to the eye –During that process the two sets of red and green bands get altered differently, and their histograms are divergent
DRAPP08 – March Meeting RTD WMS example –Dan Jackson!
DRAPP08 – March Meeting Other Biz??? –Paul Gibbs, DRCOG Next DRAPP meeting: April 23rd