Adulthood: Chapter 12 Psychology: Dr.Lycke
Revisiting Erikson 21-39 Intimacy vs. Isolation 40-65 Generativity v. Stagnation 66 + Ego Integrity vs. Despair
Revisiting Piaget Formal Operational Stage Hypothetical and abstract thinking Mature moral reasoning
Young Adulthood Trying new ways of doing things Changing relationships with parents Independence and responsibility Starting a family; managing a home Community engagement and responsibility Social network of friends and co-workers
Middle Adulthood Midlife Transition (Crisis) age 40-45 Children transitioning from home to independence Leadership roles in community Mastery in one’s career Adjusting to physical changes Pursuing passions Coping with aging parents
Baby Boomers Born between “50 is the new 30” Empty-nesters 1946 and 1964 “50 is the new 30” Empty-nesters Boomerang kids
Late Adulthood Physical and cognitive changes Retirement and financial adjustments Grandparenthood Illness and death of friends and spouse
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs