Key Concepts & Questions Adequate Yearly Progress NCLB Key Concepts & Questions Adequate Yearly Progress
AYP FORMULA AYP = AMOs + Participation Rate + API + (Grad Rate)
AYP (BASIC LEVEL) AMO stands for: a) Annual Major Objective b) Adequate Minimum Outcome c) Annual Measurable Objective d) Assessed Measurable Outcome (Choose One)
AYP (PROFICIENT LEVEL) True or False: The passing score on the CAHSEE corresponds to the proficient level cut score for AYP purposes. The AMOs for a High School District with grades 7-12 are different from those for a High School District with grades 9-12. Progress on the API is the same as meeting the 5% growth target.
AYP (ADVANCED LEVEL) Golden Poppy Elementary has 500 students with valid scores in CST ELA. 74 of these students are socioeconomically disadvantaged. Is this group numerically significant for AYP purposes? (Explain your response) Why is the 2003 ELA AMO for Unified and High School Districts (Grades 7 to 12) 12.0% AND NOT 12.4%? (Show your work)
School and District AMOs Elementary/Middle School Elementary District AMOs AMOs Unified District, High School District (7-12) AMOs High School AMOs High School District (9-12) AMOs