Choice Moving on is a process; moving forward is a choice. There is a difference between the two. Moving on is letting things happen Moving forward is making things happen. Choice
YourChoice Do we take the left or the right fork, do we continue on the road we have always taken? Do we opt for the safe or should we take a risk? How do we know which is the right decision?
Your Choice Remember this equation: Events + Response = Outcome Make Progress or Make excuses
Your Choice Everything in your life is a reflection of a choice you have made - if you want a different result you need to make a different choice
Your choice Success means risk Blaming and Complaining is a choice; Take 100% responsibility If something isn’t going as you want it to – Change it. If you’re not sure how to, ask someone, until you find the support you need. Success means risk
Your Choice There is always choice – no one is coming to solve your problems but there are lots of people who will help you as long as you help yourself “Failure – I never encountered it – all I ever met were temporary set-backs” Bill Marriot
Food for thought