Effectively Messaging the Transition to healthcare.gov Cheryl O’Donnell, State Assistance Regional Director
WHO WE ARE Enroll America is the nation's leading health care enrollment coalition. We work with more than 4,600 partners to create cutting-edge tools, analyze data, inform policy, and share best practices in service of its mission: maximizing the number of Americans who enroll in and retain health coverage under the Affordable Care Act.
AGENDA Opening reflection 5 key messages Answering tough questions Get Covered Communicators Program
Opening reflection
Key consumer messages
Answering the tough questions
TOUGH QUESTIONS It’s as easy as ABC! Agree Bridge Convince
ABC’S OF STAYING ON MESSAGE Agree with a shared concern: “You’re absolutely right…” Bridge to your point: “That’s why…” or “What I can tell you is…” or “The good news is…” Convince your audience: end strongly on core message. (NEED TO UPDATE PIC) Don’t be dismissive or mean – the host is likely popular with the folks at home, or they wouldn’t be watching! Don’t be hostile or combative! But don’t accidentally agree with something that isn’t true!
ABC EXAMPLE Why do I have to enroll in Obamacare, I like kynect so much better! Yes, I’ve heard from other consumers who are concerned about the transition. Find a shared concern to AGREE with: BRIDGE to your point: The good news is, not much has changed except the website. You still have the option to purchase insurance coverage from private health insurance companies you are already familiar with, and 8 in 10 Kentuckians qualify for financial help to lower their monthly premiums. CONVINCE your audience:
PERSONALIZE Always have a story: Use one key statistic: More than 9.6 million people got coverage through healthcare.gov last year. Almost 9 out of 10 of them received financial help to lower their costs. Thanks to the financial help she received, Rebecca from Colorado Springs found coverage for just $12 a month. Use one key statistic: Viewers will tune you out if you use too many numbers, but one impactful stat can really clinch your case. Always have a story: A story helps make your argument real, and the interviewer may ask you for one, so it’s best to have one in mind before you start.
DOS AND DON’TS DON’T DO Focus on and repeat your core message Remember healthcare is personal, not political Share stories
Let’s practice
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enrollamerica.org/communicators Local press clips from across the country Sample press releases Talking points Sample social media posts
Cheryl O’Donnell State Assistance Regional Director Enroll America 202-669-2194 codonnell@enrollamerica.org
KHBE Messaging
Agenda Key Messages Message Delivery Timeline Emphasizing the Message KHBE Kentucky Health Benefit Exchange
Messaging New logo Name Message Colors Style New Messages Get help Overview of why messaging is important. Transition may cause confusion Still need to reach approx 300K 85K will apply using new process Targeted groups of uninsured Affordability and the APTC New Messages Get help Transition Where to go KHBE Kentucky Health Benefit Exchange
Messaging to Kentuckians 300k still not enrolled 85k who were enrolled in QHP and will need new application on HealthCare.gov Hispanic and minority population have highest uninsured rate Affordability These are the things that make our messaging important. Adding those who have remained unenrolled, the 85K who will transition the HealthCare.gov, identifying and targeting the highest uninsured population and the affordability offered by qualifying for tax credit and the cost of not having coverage. KHBE Kentucky Health Benefit Exchange
Key Messages Help is Available Nothing changes with 2016 coverage Transition to HealthCare.gov Where and How to Apply Affordability These are top five messages for OEP KHBE Kentucky Health Benefit Exchange
Help Is Available kynect call center HealthCare.gov call center Application Assisters Agents Website Search function Toolkits for QHP Lists Events Kynect call center will prescreen for eligibility, assist with applications and questions and direct public where to go. HealthCare.gov call center will answer questions, application and enrollment, offer direction. Application Assisters and Agents Website search function Toolkits for outreach QHP lists Events KHBE Kentucky Health Benefit Exchange
Nothing Changes with 2016 Coverage QHP Plans are still valid through Dec. 31, 2016 Medicaid/KCHIP enrollees do not need to do anything until their renewal date. The Medicaid program and application process have not changed. Reassure current enrollees that their plans are still in effect for the plan year. Explain to Medicaid enrollees that they do not need to do anything until their renewal date. Clarify the Medicaid application process in the State of Kentucky has not completely changed. (example: three doors to a building, closed one door but still get inside the same building using the other door.) KHBE Kentucky Health Benefit Exchange
Transition to HealthCare.gov Kentuckians who qualify for a QHP have to complete application & enroll at HealthCare.gov for 2017 coverage, even if they had an application on kynect. Kentuckians can only get the tax credit, called APTC or a Cost Sharing Reduction that helps cover out-of-pocket costs by enrolling through HealthCare.gov. People should also be aware that there may be fewer plan choices in some areas and premiums are increasing on the exchange by more than 20 percent. Apply, enroll, resolve: all QHP must do new application, must actively enroll, must resolve any DMI Can only get APTC or CSR through HealthCare.gov While premiums do increase, often APTC amounts do as well. KHBE Kentucky Health Benefit Exchange
Where and How to Apply No wrong door for applications: HealthCare.gov Call Center 24/7 website paper application benefind.ky.gov Medicaid KCHIP No wrong door for applications: Consumers cannot apply in the wrong way or place. kynect website and call center will offer detailed messaging and direction on when and where to apply. HealthCare.gov and call center will offer direction on where to apply. NO WRONG DOOR KHBE Kentucky Health Benefit Exchange
Affordability Having health coverage can help protect from high, unexpected costs. A broken leg can cost up to $7,500 The average cost of a 3-day hospital stay is around $30,000 Comprehensive cancer care can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars Educate the public about: Health insurance options Affordability of Marketplace coverage Financial help that is available How life changes affect coverage In-person assistance Help consumers understand what affordability means. Most health plans must cover a set of preventive services — like shots and screening tests — at no cost to you. This includes plans available through the Health Insurance Marketplace. KHBE Kentucky Health Benefit Exchange
Important Messages to Include Enrollment Deadlines Nov. 1, 2016 to Jan. 31, 2017. Enroll by Dec. 15, 2016 for coverage to begin Jan. 1, 2017. SEP If a person was enrolled in 2016 with an issuer that is not offering plans in 2017 on HealthCare.gov, the enrollee will have more time to choose a plan for 2017 due to a Special Enrollment Period for Loss of Minimum Essential Coverage. Know where to go KHBE Kentucky Health Benefit Exchange
Message Delivery
Getting the Message Out Social media messages offer direction and information. Targeted advertisements on social media platforms. Text messaging and email campaigns Display advertising placed around the state. Radio spots in various markets. Press releases with details for the general public continuing throughout with key dates. Social media: Post about events, share posts, use community media outlets for messaging KHBE Kentucky Health Benefit Exchange
Getting the Message Out 2017 HEALTHCARE INSURANCE WILL BE ON HEALTHCARE.GOV Notices are generated for various actions. Application, eligibility, RFI/DMI, deadline approaching, etc. Please stress to individuals you work with to make sure to read all mail from either kynect or HealhtCare.gov and to call you or the call center if they are not sure what the notice means for them. KHBE Kentucky Health Benefit Exchange
Making it Effective
Emphasis is Everything YOU make the message Mary had a little lamb A lot that is implied by the emphasis we use. Exercise: Repeat the sentence with an emphasis first on Mary, then on had, etc…… After each ask what it implies. KHBE Kentucky Health Benefit Exchange
Emphasis is Everything Mary had a little lamb Mary, not Tom, had the lamb She had it once, but she does not have it now She had one, not two, and not 'the' lamb The lamb was little, not big It was a lamb, not a dog Examine the result of the emphasis. The WAY we communicate our message has impact on the result. KHBE Kentucky Health Benefit Exchange
Effective Messaging Be a resource for reassurance and information Be prepared Have empathy Show respect Change can be hard for people to accept. You are a resource for people to find reassurance and information. Is your messaging adding to their fear and frustration or offering assistance through their fear and frustration. Be prepared by being the expert. Continue with training opportunities, sign up for email alerts. People look to you. Empathy: people may be frustrated with new processes. Respect: People may lack understanding of acronyms or processes. Language we speak everyday. Empower individuals to use the information and resources available KHBE Kentucky Health Benefit Exchange
Effective Messaging Is simple Is clear Is repeated Is correct Is helpful Recap each site. KHBE Kentucky Health Benefit Exchange
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