Describe how the turmoil in France could lead to a dictatorship. Bell ringer Describe how the turmoil in France could lead to a dictatorship.
Napoleon forges an empire 7.3
Napoleon Bonaparte Defended Natl Convention and became a hero (1795) Appointed to lead army Coup d’État (1799) Took power from Directory Named First Consul 1802 – brought temporary end to war
Restoring order Plebiscite: Approved new constitution and Napoleon as leader Tax collection and national banking system Set up lycées (schools) to train govt officials Signed concordat (agreement) w/ Pope to bring back Church Wrote Napoleonic Code – gave France a set of laws 1804: Crowned himself Emperor
Napoleonic code
Crowning himself emperor
Creating an empire Saint Domingue (Haiti) Turned to Europe (again) Previously taken over by colonists/enslaved Africans Wanted to restore sugar industry (1801) Losing and decided to cut losses in U.S. Sold LA Territory to Pres. Jefferson for $15 million (1803) Gain money for military operations Punish the British Turned to Europe (again) War against Britain, Russia, Austria, and Sweden
Battle of Trafalgar Only major battle lost (1805) Brit commander Horatio Nelson defeated Napoleon Two results: Ensured supremacy of Brit navy Napoleon gave up plans of invading Brit
French Empire