Getting started as a Trustworthy Data Repository


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Presentation transcript:

Getting started as a Trustworthy Data Repository CoreTrustSeal Getting started as a Trustworthy Data Repository Mustapha Mokrane, Chair, CoreTrustSeal Board

CoreTrustSeal Replaced DSA and WDS certifications 16 Core trustworthy data repositories requirements 130 Repositories certified at core-level Open to all data repositories Online certification tool (before end 2017) CoreTrustSeal Standards and Certification Board Assembly of Reviewers

TDR certifications Trustworthy Data Repositories (TDRs) Formal Certification ISO 16363:2012 (0 Repositories, 100+ requirements) Extended Certification DIN 31644 (2 Repositories, 34 requirements) CoreTrustSeal Certification (130+ Repositories, 16 requirements) The CoreTrustSeal certification is envisioned as the first step in a global framework for repository certification which includes the extended level certification (nestor-Seal DIN 31644) and the formal level certification (ISO 16363). Ultimately, CoreTrustSeal will also endeavour to provide core level certification for other research entities such as data services and software. @CoreTrustSeal