Word game for 2-4 players. Form words cross- word style using letters of different values. High score wins! Good player scores in the range.
Before Beginning… Pick a dictionary in case of word challenges All words permitted except words always capitalized, prefixes & suffixes, abbreviations, standing alone, words with hyphens or apostrophes.
Who goes first? Letter closest to beginning of alphabet
Let the games begin… Draw 7 tiles and place on the rack Form words on rack Keep rack hidden from the others
Bad luck! Hope that you dont draw combinations like these! Three options for play: 1.Pass, forfeit, no score 2.Exchange 1 to 7 tiles, score nothing 3.Play a word and earn score
Lay it on the line! First player combines 2 or more letters to form one word Diagonals not allowed Begin on the pink star center square Add up total score for the word and record it. Draw the same # of tiles that you played.
Forming New Words Alternate turns and play new words by: 1.Adding letter(s) to a word already on the board 2.Placing word at a right angle 3.Placing a complete word parallel to a word 2 blank tiles can be any letter but cant change
When does it end? All tiles have been drawn One of the players has used all letters on rack Win the game by achieving highest score Remaining tiles count against you
Double letter score Triple letter score Double word score Triple Word score Use all 7 tiles in a turn and score 50 bonus points! Scoring
Scoring examples 14 points 9 points 25 points 16 points
Credits Created & Produced by Karin Renner for TET 745 Advanced Digital Presentations Summer 2005 utilizing PowerPoint, LiveWeb, Camtasia, Photoshop and Windows Media Player
Scrabble & Probablility: Its all in the numbers Number of TilesLetters 1J, K, Q, X, Z 2B, C, F, H, M, P, V, W, Y, blank 3G 4D, L, S, U 6N, R, T 8O 9A, I 12E