Low Carbon visioning workshops Why? It is important for pupils to be able to think about a positive future to be empowered to feel that they could play a part in creating it Education is all about preparing young people for the future Based in real data – a technically possible future Provides the opportunity to challenge misinformation Can be an engaging way for pupils to grasp the complexities of the issues
Low Carbon visioning workshops What? Sets the context – global challenges Pupils use a variety of sources of information
CAT online bilingual resource - choosing where to reduce energy & greenhouse gases Tŷ Gwyrdd / Green House
Energy Trumps/Trympiau Ynni CAT downloadable free bilingual resource - choosing energy sources Energy Trumps/Trympiau Ynni
CAT downloadable free bilingual resource - Fact Files to support the Energy Trumps cards
What do participants do? Low Carbon visioning workshops What do participants do? Interactive workshops Very much about choice
Other materials drawn from ZCB and a variety of other sources
Lots of discussion
Low Carbon visioning workshops Ideas go on an aerial photo of Britain or Wales (or map) Using a mix of models, plasticine, card, other modelling materials
Variety of audiences Variety of scales Teachers All ages at the Big Bang Fair KS4 pupils Adult course
We intend to produce activities :for Y6-Y13 (and adult groups) off timetable days and lesson sized activities Wales appropriate as well as Britain Bilingual This work strongly supports critical and creative thinking collaborative learning problem solving and innovation People of all ages enjoy the workshops
Donaldson & the new curriculum ethical, informed citizens who: – find, evaluate and use evidence in forming views – engage with contemporary issues based upon their knowledge and values – understand and exercise their human and democratic responsibilities and rights – understand and consider the impact of their actions when making choices and acting – are knowledgeable about their culture, community, society and the world, now and in the past – respect the needs and rights of others, as a member of a diverse society – show their commitment to the sustainability of the planet and are ready to be citizens of Wales and the world