“The Veldt” and “Kaleidoscope” The Illustrated Man “The Veldt” and “Kaleidoscope”
IM Journal 1 You have 5-7 minutes to write about the following prompt: Would you prefer to do things for yourself or own a home like the Hadley’s? What types of technology would you like to see in your lifetime?
“The Veldt” In groups of 3 you will be creating a magazine advertisement for one of the many features of the Happylife Home. Your advertisement must include: Quote from the story related to the technology Catchy slogan Description of the feature + how the feature improves lives Image of the featured technology You will be presenting your advertisement to the class as a group ALL members must speak Presentation points: Your group’s advertisement Pros and Cons of this technology Compare this to the modern world
The World Is Not A Pleasant Place to Be by Nikki Giovanni The world is not a pleasant place to be without someone to hold and be held by a river would stop its flow if only a stream were there to receive it an ocean would never laugh if clouds weren't there to kiss her tears the world is not a pleasant place to be without someone
“Kaleidoscope” Silent Discussion You will respond in writing to the prompts on the board Once told to, pass the paper the assigned direction Read what was written and respond Pass the paper again in the assigned direction Once the cycle is complete, papers will return to owners Read what the others’ responses were Put your name by each of your comments These are being collected – take it seriously and make sure all of your answers are school appropriate
“Kaleidoscope” “Even the captain was quiet, for there was no command or plan he knew that could put things back together again” (20). How do individual’s reactions to tragedy affect relationships? How do personal experiences influence the way one interacts with others?
“Kaleidoscope” Relationships can be established, developed, or damaged from shared strife (disagreement, conflict). How is this shown through the relationship of Hollis and Applegate? In what ways has a hardship affected you and your relationships?
“Kaleidoscope” “When life is over it is like a flicker of bright film, an instant on the screen, all of its prejudices and passions condensed and illumined for an instant on space, and before you could cry out…the film burned to a cinder, the screen went dark” (23). Who should be taken into consideration when one makes a decision? Why? Have you made a decision that had unexpected results?
“Kaleidoscope” Life experiences shape a person’s character and determine his/her outlook on life. Why was Hollis jealous of Lespere? What life experiences had Hollis wished to have? What life experiences shape a person’s character?
“Kaleidoscope” “The blazing white star fell down the sky of dusk in Illinois. ‘Make a wish,’ said his mother. ‘Make a wish’” (27). How does a person’s outlook on life reflect his/her character? What are the potential outcomes of positive expectations?
Homework IM Vocabulary – due next class Read: “The Other Foot” “The Rocket Man”