Reproductive Isolation Jeopardy Theory of Evolution Evidence of Evolution Mechanisms of Evolution Patterns of Evolution Speciation and Reproductive Isolation $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 Final Jeopardy
Theory of Evolution - $100 Who developed the theory of evolution? Charles Darwin
Theory of Evolution - $200 What is evolution? Cumulative changes in groups of organisms through time
Theory of Evolution - $300 What is natural selection? Some organisms are more adapted to survive in an environment than others. Survival of the fittest.
Theory of Evolution - $400 What is artificial selection? The process of directed breeding to produce offspring with desired traits, also known as selective breeding
Theory of Evolution - $500 What are the four principles of natural selection? Variation, Heritability, Overproduction, Reproductive Advantage
Evidence of Evolution - $100 How do fossils show evidence of evolution? They can show how ancient species are similar to current species
Evidence of Evolution - $200 What are homologous, analogous, and vestigial structures? Homologous – visually similar, different functions Analogous – visually different, same functions Vestigial – Reduced form of functional structures in other organisms
Evidence of Evolution - $300 What is the difference between derived and ancestral traits? Derived – newly evolved features Ancestral – more primitive features that do appear in ancestral forms
Evidence of Evolution - $400 How do embryos show evidence of evolution? They are visually similar in early states. Vertebrae exhibit homologous structures during select phases of development.
Evidence of Evolution - $500 List all three types (in book) of adaptations Camouflage Mimicry Antimicrobial resistance
Mechanisms of Evolution - $100 What is genetic drift? Any change in the allele frequency of a population that results from chance
Mechanisms of Evolution - $200 What is the difference between the founder effect and the bottleneck effect? Founder – a small sample of the population is separated from the rest of the population Bottleneck – a population declines to a very low number then rebounds
Mechanisms of Evolution - $300 What is the difference between stabilizing, directional, disruptive, and sexual selection? Stabilizing – eliminates extreme versions of a trait Directional – increases the extreme versions Disruptive – splits a population into two groups, both with extreme versions of the trait Sexual – based on the ability to attract a mate
Mechanisms of Evolution - $400 What is the effect of a mutation on a population? It would cause a change in allele frequency, and violates genetic equilibrium. Could be beneficial or harmful
Mechanisms of Evolution - $500 What are the five conditions required for a population to be in genetic equilibrium (Hardy-Weinberg Principle)? Large population No immigration or emigration Random mating No mutations No natural selection
Patterns of Evolution - $100 What pattern of evolution did the finches show on the Galapagos islands? Adaptive radiation
Patterns of Evolution - $200 What is coevolution? When many species evolve in close relationships with other species
Patterns of Evolution - $300 What is it called when unrelated species evolve similarly? Convergent evolution
Patterns of Evolution - $400 What is gradualism? The theory that evolution occurs in small steps.
Patterns of Evolution - $500 What is it called when rapid spurts of genetic change cause species to diverge quickly? Punctuated Equilibrium
Speciation and Reproductive Isolation - $100 What is speciation? The formation of new and distinct species in the course of evolution
Speciation and Reproductive Isolation - $200 What kind of speciation occurs when a physical barrier divides a population into two or more populations? Allopatric speciation
Speciation and Reproductive Isolation - $300 What is sympatric speciation? When a species evolves into a new species without a physical barrier
Speciation and Reproductive Isolation - $400 What is the difference between prezygotic and postzygotic isolation mechanisms? Prezygotic – occurs before fertilization Postzygotic – occurs after fertilization
Speciation and Reproductive Isolation - $500 What are the five ways reproductive isolating mechanisms occur? Geographically, habitat, behaviorally, gametically, temporally
Final Jeopardy What is a measure of the relative contribution that an individual trait makes to the next generation? Fitness