Travel and Transportation Allowances/Contacts For Housing Counseling Assistance ELEMENT 35, 36 Pages 179-183
Topics covered Types of military moves and storage 2003 Civil Service Members Relief Act
Need To Know Storage & Moving Allowances PCS, SEP, RET Moves – What are the differences? Relocation Extended Housing Allowances Home of Record (HOR)/Place Entered Military (PLEAD) Home of Selection (HOS)
Entitlements/Helpful Tips 8 < years of service Allowances House Hold Goods Professional gear Weight allowances SCAT codes NO DISLOCATION ALLOWANCE (DLA) IS AUTHORIZED FOR SEPARATION/RETIREMENT MOVE
2003 Service Members Civil Relief ACT Get out of lease free card HUD VASH
Resources Travel allowance: Transportation: MILPERSMAN1320-20 DODI1332.36 SCRA: HUD: 1-877-4AID VET (1-877-424-3838