Mrs. Chesshire Mrs. Rhodes 1st Grade Tribe Times Nov. 6-10 2017 Test on Friday! sat dog milk glad cost sock Sight Words *your *into Mrs. Chesshire Mrs. Rhodes Mrs. Fegley Ms. Ellis Mrs. Kelley Mrs. Ibarra Conference time: 3:10-3:45 M-Th Phone number: (903) 785-7458 Letter Jj Floss Rule Letter Vv, spelling with final -ve Spelling with final c First grade will be performing at the Veteran’s Day Program on Thursday at 6pm. Please have your child report to their classroom at 5:30pm. Family Reading Night every Wednesday 4-6pm Rise Up Assembly every Friday at 7:30am Weekly Comprehension Story: Over in the Meadow (Fluency test on Friday, practice, practice, practice!) Shared Reading:Responding to poems with rhythm and rhyme Independent Reading: How to select poems according to patterns. Writing- Couplets and word families. Brainstorming rhyming words. November 7- Family Content Night 4:30-6pm 8- Willie Wildcat Pics $2 9- 1st grade Program for parents 6pm 10- 1st Grade Program 9am Paris vs. NL game 11- PTO Dessert Day for 1st grade parents 13- Picture retake day, 3rd progress report 20-24 Thanksgiving Break Science: Investigating Soil Social Studies: Studies Weekly-Changes in Transportation Mon- subtracting 1 Tues- assessment 8 Wed- identify and count dimes Thurs- skip counting by 2 Fri- Veteran’s Day Program/ math review centers