Vision 2020/Quality Schools in Every Neighborhood DRAFT Vision 2020/Quality Schools in Every Neighborhood District Accountability Report LCAP Goal 2: Access to Broad and Challenging Curriculum March 14, 2017 Why we are doing this work – what are the values (not stats) underlying our commitment to the work (in addition to the obvious fact it’s in the LCAP!) What has been our past activity on this issue over the last 4 years under Supt. Marten — what have we done already to address. What are our plans for the current year — what are we committed to doing now — and what resources have we allocated for the work ($ + people) What results do we have to show for what we have tried to do — and what is the state/national context for these results — are others doing better/worse? What changes are we implementing to continue building on the above progress and when will we provide the next update
DRAFT Our goal is to decrease the number of Long Term English Learners and increase the number of ELs graduating College and Career Ready. Sandra Our ultimate goal is to eliminate LTEL status.
DRAFT Our action to decrease the number of Long Term English Learners and increase the number of ELs graduating College and Career Ready. Theresa or Fabi Setting our course of action. Play from 2:09-3:30
DRAFT Our action to decrease the number of Long Term English Learners and increase the number of ELs graduating College and Career Ready. Align grade level standards and other EL Strategies ELST Professional Development Five Word Summary Text Reconstruction Unpacking Sentences Progressive Brainstorm ELST PD Builder Deconstructing the process, planning, vetting, feedback, and delivering to PLCs or staff development Theresa Professional development is focused on teaching, experiencing and knowing high leverage strategies that use grade level curriculum. These strategies support the CA reading, writing speaking and listening standards. The strategies can be used at any grade level and take little planning time to implement. Any of these strategies support students accessing the text, using academic vocabulary, listening to others, and writing. We have also implemented the 4 Ts (Think, Tell, Try, Talk)
Our action to decrease the number of Long Term English Learners and increase the number of ELs graduating College and Career Ready. International Center Professional Development Dr. Eugenia Mora Flores Students are preparing for Culture and Language Showcase Differentiated Mathematics level (SIFE math or Integrated Math 1-2 or Integrated 3-4) ELD Coach in math Extra Literacy support class Cluster alignment and collaboration
Early Reclassification 150 students DRAFT Our action to decrease the number of Long Term English Learners and increase the number of ELs graduating College and Career Ready. Early Reclassification 150 students Eligibility: scored Early Advanced or Advanced on CELDT for two consecutive years In order for them to reclassify students need a reading and writing sample at grade level
Long-term English Learners October 2013 2014 2015 2016 Number of Long Term English Learners 5,704 5,249 4,884 3,982 Sandra Number of LTELs continues to decrease due to a monumental effort toward Reclassification. Between 2013-14 we decreased the number of LTELS by 455. Between 2014-15 365 we decreased the number of LTELS by Between 2015-16 902 we decreased the number of LTELS by (almost tripled the number)
English Learner Reclassification Rates DRAFT English Learner Reclassification Rates Sandra 23.7% Reclassification rate without K-2 Students reclassified to date: 4,120 Students reclassified last year: 3,353 767 more students were reclassified. This year for the first time we have identified 1st and 2nd grade students eligible to be reclassified. Number Identified: 2nd Graders 150
Smarter Balanced Assessment DRAFT Smarter Balanced Assessment Flash English Language Arts Mathematics
Graduation Rates for English Learners Do we keep this slide? This slide demonstrates consistent progress. For cohort graduation rate, students are counted as ELs if they were EL at any time during grades 9 – 12.
DRAFT Our next steps to decrease the number of LTELs and increase the number of ELs graduating College and Career Ready. Every ELST will engage in Student Centered Coaching learning Teach District staff how to implement instructional shifts and prepare for ELPAC Design meaningful professional development experiences for ELSTs and teachers Launch professional learning academies Impact department case study students, PLCs, self assessment Theresa/Sandra The professional learning academies will prioritize standards and align them to CCSS (ELA and Math), NGSS, HSS Framework. PLCs will analyze students and be able to discuss what they know, almost know, and next steps.
Student Voices and Teacher Voices DRAFT Student Voices and Teacher Voices Hoover, Mann, and Clark (Teachers) 5 students 1 minute each I teacher
DRAFT Theresa