Time management Working on time management is important for all college students, regardless of where you are in your college career. It’s helpful to see visually how much time and when you are in class, studying and doing other daily/weekly activities. Download a weekly schedule planner page at www.wichita.edu/studyskills (click on the Time Management tile). Choose a strategy (online calendar, excel file, planner, etc.) that works for you to log all assignments, tests, projects and other important deadlines in one place. Spring 2018
Time management tips Quick tips to manage your time: Time management = priority management. Setting clear priorities is the first step to effective time management. Try color coding appointments (types) or due dates (by class) in your calendar. Set reminders about assignments in your phone or online calendar. Check out www.wichita.edu/studyskills for more information and tips. Spring 2018