C/Lt Col Addison Jaynes Executive Leadership C/Lt Col Addison Jaynes
Overview What is Executive Leadership?? Why we need Proactive Executives?? Intentions vs. Instructions So You Know What is Territorial Leadership?? Proper Documentation
Executive Leadership Just because you are at the level you are at, does not excuse you from using the proper leadership techniques. As a commander you control their bodies, but as a leader you control their hearts and only when you control their hearts will you truly be successful.
Proactive Leadership By the time problems reach you they have either been handled or are monstrosities. So you need to actively seek out potential problem areas and handle them. If you make regular and random patrols through your command, you will be keeping yourself informed and raise morale.
Intentions The end object intended; purpose What you want to be done not how you want to do it. For example: “It is my intention to commandeer on of these ships, pick up a crew in Tortuga, raid, pillage, plunder and otherwise pilfer my weasely black guts out.”
Instructions The act or practice of teaching; education. Detailed directions on procedure. How you want to do it not what you want to be done. For example: “Go three miles then take a left. After half a mile take a right and after five more miles, well then you’ll be somewhere…”
Intentions and Instructions Most orders are some combination on the two. But an executive leader should try to express intentions are than dictate instructions. Why?? It allows subordinates to gain experience, raise their moral and increase their confidence.
So You Know Do not put your subordinates down or belittle them because then they may not tell you the truth. They are SUBORDINATE, not inferior. If you are their friend they will think they can get away with things. Even though they may not be comfortable around you, they should trust you. It is your job to be more stern to maintain the air of respect but not fear. A king should not feel to comfortable on his throne. He should always remember that the reason that he is there is to do a service to his people not make himself comfortable.
Territorial Leadership If someone else is doing your job you should be offended. Either you haven’t been doing it yourself or they do not trust you. It is your job to find out which one it is and rectify the situation. If you are in a leadership position and cannot be trusted or you are not doing your job then you become extra weight. The higher up the chain, the heavier the weight.
Proper Documentation Paperwork runs the world. Just because you get it in writing doesn’t mean you don’t trust them. Whenever possible orders should be drafted memo’s. They are not that hard to write and they remove ambiguity. Written orders need not be physically distributed simply posted in a central location. Helps with continuity.
Summary Leadership principles are still important Go find the problems before they find you Knowing where you are going is more important then knowing how to get there Make sure you are the first to know everything Fight for your responsibilities Record everything