IB MYP@Fairview International School MYP Staff meeting 9: 12-03-2012
Agenda Monday 12 March Matters arising from the 5 March meeting Keys OPERATIONAL SECTION Matters arising from the 5 March meeting Still have moderation issues! Personal Project launch with students Keys Excursions happening – Priyanka (Hu) and Samantha (Dr) Reports – Ravin (Managebac); Samantha (C&S); Annie (class teachers) New process for parent meetings (Annie) Discipline issues (Priyanka) AOB PROFESSIONAL LEARNING SECTION 1. Developing a professional learning community at WM 2. Mentoring the Personal Project
PROFESSIONAL LEARNING SECTION (I) A discussion: Developing a professional learning community at WM
PROFESSIONAL LEARNING SECTION (II) Your role as a mentor for a student doing a Personal Project 1. Every WM teacher is the mentor of one student (Rationale: this is about building professional capacity in the MYP; all staff who claim to be IB MYP teachers need to know what the Personal Project is about.) 2. Every mentor has a ‘back-up’ mentor – an experienced Personal Project coordinator at WM. (Rationale: this is about succession planning and ensuring students feel they are heard and supported– in many cases the back up mentor had been on their ‘wish list’ for a mentor.)
Key parts to the Personal Project & Your Role The student Your role Important changes in Guide Plans project - Product Check feasibility ( Too ambitious? Too basic? ) The student needs to specifiy product standards justify AOI in journal Journal Regular meetings (1/ month approx) – reports to be placed on Manageback Journal is now assessed too Reflection on AOI is very important also Report Formatively assess the report against criteria Give students the opportunity to edit their report and achieve the best possible level Summatively assess Participate in internal standardisation Criterion F – Reflect on learning: The level to be decided in discussion with the student
Calender update(from -13-2) reflection: Personal Projects due (Year 11) (original due date 6 Jan) Personal Project launch with MYP 4 – Feb done 9 Mar Athletics carnival (18 Feb) Expeditions Term 2 (29- Feb – 3 March) Moderation – samples finalised (asap - March) Arts Festival (26th – 30th March) PYP transition March, May, June, July Forecast results MYP5 (Year 11) 6 April Report comments on mangebac (date?) Carnival Day (May 12th)