Circulating Vaccine-derived Poliovirus*, last 6 months Rolling 6 months 16 Sep 2010 – 15 Mar 2011 16 cVDPV cases cVDPV1 (0 case) cVDPV2 (15 cases) cVDPV3 (1 case) cVDPV monthly distribution of cases by country (rolling six months) cVDPV3 cVDPV2 *Circulating Vaccine-derived poliovirus (cVDPV) is associated with 2 or more cases of AFP. Cases with less than 10 nt genetically related to these outbreaks and cases of ambiguous Vaccine-derived Poliovirus (aVDPV) are not included. Figures exclude VDPV from non-AFP source. Figures may include different chains of transmission. Data in WHO/HQ as of 15 Mar 2011