WMO STRATEGIC PLAN & OPERATING PLAN 2012-2015 Commission for Atmospheric Sciences, Management Group Geneva, Switzerland, 27-28 September 2010
Topics WMO results-based strategic planning Global Societal Needs Mission, Vision and Achievements The Structure of SP 2012-2015 Strategic Priority areas WMO OP 2012-2015 Summary
Linkage between the next SP, OP and RBB WMO Results-based Strategic Planning Linkage between the next SP, OP and RBB SP OP (2012-15) KOn11 Del Act Budget GSN STn ERn1 KOn12 Del Act Budget Act Budget Del KOn13 Act Budget RBB (2012-15) WMO M&E
Global Societal Needs Global Societal Needs Improved protection of life and property (related to impacts of hazardous weather, climate, water and other environmental events and increased safety of transport on land, at sea and in the air; Poverty alleviation, sustained livelihoods and economic growth (in connection with the Millennium Development Goals) including improved health and social well-being of citizens (related to weather, climate, water and environmental events and influence); and Sustainable use of natural resources and improved environmental quality.
Mission and Vision Mission: The purpose statement in the WMO Convention Vision: Provide world leadership in expertise and international cooperation in weather, climate, hydrology and water resources, and related environmental issues, and thereby to contribute to the safety and well-being of people throughout the world and to the economic benefit of all nations. Achievements: Exchange of Meteorological and Related Data and Products, International Standards for Meteorological and Related Observations, Capacity Building, Promoting Science and Technology, and International Leadership
Structure: 3GSNs, 5STs & 8ERs
Five Strategic Priority Areas Global Framework for Climate Services; Aviation meteorological services; Capacity Building for the developing and least developed countries; Implementation of the WMO Integrated Global Observing System (WIGOS) and WMO Information System (WIS); and Disaster Risk Reduction
WMO Operating Plan Based on SP 2012-2015 and informs RBB and M&E. Has activities from RAs, TCs and Secretariat CAS submitted activities for inclusion. Any improvement is welcome. Will be finalized after the approval of the Strategic Plan and RBB by Congress in 2011.
Summary The EC-LXII, June 2010, endorsed the draft SP and recommended it to the WMO Congress for approval. The SP is based on 3GSNs that would be achieved through 5Strategic Thrusts leading to 8 expected results and a set of Key Outcomes. The OP would be finalized based on the approved budget after Congress May/June 2010 The contributions of RAs and TCs were essential in ensuring the SP and OP represent the shared strategic direction and for efficient implementation of the SP. The Management Groups have a useful role in the implementation of SP as relates to the achievement of expected results.
Thank you