Announcements/Reminders Mrs. Fetters Announcements/Reminders -News vocabulary words are being sent home for the next three weeks! -I sent home a resource packet in your child’s folder with a bright pink letter attached. Please look it over and let me know if you need anything else Sept. 21-25 Word Study S- blends (sc, sk, sp, etc.) scan 5. straw skill 6. squish spark 7. scream small 8. spray Fry Words: 9. say 12. help 10. great 13. through 11. where Dictation Sentences: 1. I will sit and think about some words. 2. Fay can write a good sentence. Homework Packet *Due Friday* Main idea passage with graphic organizer, spelling contract (3 activities- 1 per night for 3 nights), vocabulary practice with three words, fact family practice Don’t forget to study vocabulary and read each night! Upcoming Assessments Spelling assessment (Friday), math assessment (Friday). Main idea assessment (Thursday or Friday) This week’s “I Can” statements are listed on the back of this sheet, and the vocabulary words and definitions can also be found in your child’s daily folder.
“I Can” Statements Reading- *These standards are for our six week unit. Thefore, we will focus on some more than others each week, however we will hit all of them this unit . RL 2.1- I can ask and answer questions such as who, what, when, where and why and how to show understandings of details in the text. RL 2.2 I can recount stories, including fables and folktales, from diverse cultures and determine their central message, lesson, or moral. RL 2.4 I can describe how words and phrases supply meaning and rhythm in a story, poem, or song. RL 2.9 I can compare and contrast two or more versions of the same story by different authors or from different cultures. Math 2. NBT.5 I can fluently add and subtract within 20 using various strategies. (I sent home an example of the strategies we will be using in class. We will also focus a lot of fact families this week!)