Colloquy conversation col = com (together) loqu (talk)


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Presentation transcript:

colloquy conversation col = com (together) loqu (talk)

viable able to live; workable vi = vita (life) + able

synopsis summary syn (together) + opia (sight) + sis (condition)

terra firma solid ground terr (land)

sanction authorize sanct (holy)

Russophobe one who fears Russia Russo (Russian) + phobia (fear)

prognosis pro (forward) + gno (know) + sis (condition) medical forecast pro (forward) + gno (know) + sis (condition)

polychrome many-colored poly (many) + chrome (color)

philanthropy phile (love) + anthropo (man) love of mankind (shown by giving money) phile (love) + anthropo (man)

perspicacity insight per (through) + spec (look)

mobocracy mob rule mob (move) mobile vulgus+ cracy (government)

gerontocracy government by the old geronto (old age) +

magniloquence great eloquence magn (great) + loqu (talk)

kleptomaniac pathological thief kleptes (thief) + mania (madness)

joie de vivre joy of living viv (life)

in loco parentis in place of parents loco (place)

mundane ordinary / commonplace mund (world)

synthesis combination syn (together) + sis (condition)

unequivocal direct un (not) + equi (equal) + voc (voice)

nihilism nihil (nothing) + ism (doctrine) belief in nothing; philosophy that denies all existance nihil (nothing) + ism (doctrine)

audiophile stereo buff audi (hear) + phile (love)

entomology insect zoology entomo (insect) + logy (science)

omnifarious of all kinds omni (all) + fariam (parts) + ous (full of)

invidious causing envy / ill will in (into) + vid (look) + ous (full of)

deduction reasoning down from principles de (down) + duct (lead)