Business Communication Grimball / Exley Vocabulary Wordle Business Communication Grimball / Exley
This is a Wordle (isn’t it awesome???)
Guess What??? You and your group are going to MAKE a Wordle with your vocabulary words for Business Communication. (No you can not use the free Wordle site.) You are making yours from SCRATCH…yes I said SCRATCH!!
DOG LOYAL Instructions CUDDLY CUTE FUZZY Get into groups of three. I will give each group one or two words. You will use Microsoft Word to create a large image of the word. You will then create multiple smaller words in different colors and sizes that define your word in smaller print. (See Example Above) PRINT all of your words on one or two sheets and put your Wordle Together on a piece of poster board!
Vocabulary audience analysis business communication channel communication barriers confidential information external communication barriers feedback goodwill grapevine internal communication barriers listening message message environment nonverbal symbols reading receiver scanning sender verbal symbols