Author(s). TITLE, Journal, vol. #, pp.#-#, Month, Year. Write a short description of the paper contents here! 2018-12-08 Group members (change.)
Group members (change.) CONTENTS 2018-12-08 Group members (change.)
What is the aim of the paper? Is it a tutorial? Are they solving an important problem? 2018-12-08 Group members (change.)
Which problem is addressed? Give a fairly detailed explanation of what problem they try to solve? 2018-12-08 Group members (change.)
How is the problem addressed? What approach do they use? Simulations? Measurements? Theoretical modelling? Etc. 2018-12-08 Group members (change.)
Which are the important results? Which main results are there? A proposed system? A new algorithm? A comparison of existing techniques? Etc. 2018-12-08 Group members (change.)
Which conclusions are drawn? Which conclusions do he/she/they draw from their work: Are there better methods available than the ones known already? Can a certain system be made more cost efficient? Should we spend more research in a certain area? Etc. 2018-12-08 Group members (change.)