Week of 8/27-8/31
Monday, August 27 Dialogue The conversation between actors on stage. Copy the definitions to the right into the notes section in your binder. Dialogue The conversation between actors on stage. Director The person who oversees the entire process of staging a production. Drama A story told through characters played by actors. Play The stage representation of an action or a story; a dramatic composition. Playwright A person who writes plays.
Vocabulary con’t Props Items carried on stage by an actor; small items on the set used by the actors. Protagonist The main character of a play and the character with whom the audience identifies most strongly. Script The written text of a play. improvise- to compose and perform or deliver without previous preparation
Read Act I, Scene 2 from The Diary of Anne Frank
Reading Guide Act 1, Scenes 1-2
Tuesday, August 28 Reading Time
REVIEW How is Anne adjusting as scene 2 ends? What frustrations would you share with her if you were living under similar circumstances?
Reading Check ACT I, SCENES 1-2
Review Vocabulary Unit 2
Read Act I, Scene 3 from The Diary of Anne Frank
Wednesday, Aug. 29 Think Link
Thursday, Aug. 30 Reading Time
Vocabulary Quiz Unit 2 New Vocabulary Words
Friday, Aug. 31 The first segment of writing establishes characters. Choose two characters, write three descriptive adjectives after each character's name, and discuss how Goodrich and Hackett (the playwrights) develop these characters.
Read Act I, Scene 3 from The Diary of Anne Frank
Reading Guide