Relationship between clinical data and latent factors Relationship between clinical data and latent factors Association of MOFA factors to time to next treatment using a univariate Cox regression with N = 174 samples (96 of which are uncensored cases) and P‐values based on the Wald statistic. Error bars denote 95% confidence intervals. Numbers on the right denote P‐values for each predictor.Kaplan–Meier plots measuring time to next treatment for the individual MOFA factors. The cut‐points on each factor were chosen using maximally selected rank statistics (Hothorn & Lausen, 2003), and P‐values were calculated using a log‐rank test on the resulting groups.Prediction accuracy of time to treatment for N = 174 patients using multivariate Cox regression trained using the 10 factors derived using MOFA, as well using the first 10 components obtained from PCA applied to the corresponding single data modalities and the full data set (assessed on hold‐out data). Shown are average values of Harrell's C‐index from fivefold cross‐validation. Error bars denote standard error of the mean. Ricard Argelaguet et al. Mol Syst Biol 2018;14:e8124 © as stated in the article, figure or figure legend